Saturday, June 14, 2008

That's Not How Mom Does It!!

Well here is the latest...I didn’t have to stay in the hospital overnight! I was soooooo relieved. Had a rough recovery as I usually do with the nausea- they gave me the ‘deluxe’ version of nausea meds while I was there- I had 5 different types. The drain tubes come out Monday and then I can FINALLY take a shower. I have to sleep sitting up and that is not fun at all. My blood pressure went down pretty dramatically while I was there. Apparently I was dehydrated and got 3 IV bags- even with me drinking a lot of water the day’s prior. They sent me home with an oral anti nausea med and I’ve found it’s the only one that works on me- about 7 or 8 last night I was able to eat toast and felt better. Rick set his alarm for every 3 hours so I could take my pain meds and he has to empty my drain tubes. The dr wasn’t able to take out the required amount but says insurance will still cover it. I am mighty sore today. The nurse told me days 3/4 are the worst.
Anyway, Rick has to take care of EVERYTHING while I recover. I can’t even lift milk out of the fridge. Plus he has a cold so the poor guy is just going nonstop. He now has to do bath time, brush teeth and blow-dry Abby’s hair. I kept hearing Abby tell him, “That’s not how mom does it.” Cracks me up.
Some funny moments this week: Thursday night I was in bed with Abby getting ready to say prayers and she was concerned that ‘Scuffy doesn’t know the names of all the princesses and he needs to learn them.” Aidan’s new word is waffle, or floffel, and Abby says sunscream instead of sunscreen. Also, on the way home from work/school Thursday Abby said we should be mountain climbers and get tattoos.

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