Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday Monday

I reluctantly left my family and returned to work today... it's good though. Good for everyone to get back into our 'routine'. I have to admit I feel completely disconnected, out of sorts. I'm sure that will change. We had to pull the kids from swim lessons, Abby has missed soccer for two weeks and we've missed Church so I feel like I'm supposed to be 'somewhere' if that makes sense! The big news for us... both kids slept all night last night for the first time in ah... two weeks? Although I think I kept Rick up with my coughing. I'm starting antibiotics so I hope to feel better soon along with my incisions- boy am I sore. Oh and the dr called again this morning to check on the kiddos. I sent her flowers.

Aidan is back to doing 'boy' things. He apparently dumped out crayons and then put his crackers in the box, shook it around and then took bites. Yesterday or the day before I caught him rubbing his food on the carpet as if to initiate it so it's worthy of taking a bite. I think that is gross but I just say ok...he's a boy. This is what boys do. Abby took another 4 hour nap today. That virus was a doozy. I should know- now I have it.

I love our friends and family- and all the prayers and support you give. WE ARE BLESSED.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 16

It's been 16 days that we have all been home together since my sugery and STUCK at home to boot! Aidan continues to increase his appetite. Today he was such a joy, almost back to his happy self. Aidan on steriods was a bit challenging for us so thankfully that is over. Honestly he would remind me of those little yapper dogs who growl and think they are really big dogs. He did- he would growl at us for the past few days and even wake up in the middle of the night in just a rage.
Abby woke up again this morning still with fever and her other ear perforated last night. I spoke with her ENT last night and he wants to see her in 4-6 weeks to see how the holes are healing. No swimming or getting her ears wet. He did reassure me and said he's not worried about any long term issues with this. Her fever seems to have tapered off as the day went on; she took a 4 hour nap!! I continue to pray she feels better tomorrow. We get little glimpses of her coming back, trying to be playful. She still isn't eating.
I've been working from home a little bit this week and also the past few nights in anticipation for my return to work on Monday and yet here I am, now sick.

Friday, June 27, 2008

He's Feeling Better

Waving the White Flag

Abby is on day 6- temp 103 today. Her ear drum ruptured last night. I am so upset- this is the 2nd time that has happened. We have to pull her from swim lessons too. This nasty virus has cost us $230 in dr visits and prescriptions this week!! Now we are off to pick up antibiotic ear drops for her. We were up at midnight, 2 and 4 with the kids. Rick ended up in Abby's bed most of the night and then I think he got up with Aidan so he's going on less sleep.... thankfully he stayed home from work yesterday and today. LOVE THIS MAN.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 5 Fever

Poor girl. This was on our way to the dr. Another day of 102-103 temp. She has a double ear infection. Aidan is better- we go back next Thursday for a weight check on him. Hoping for some sleep soon!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lots of Pictures and Update

As the day went on things improved. Aidan ate more, drank more and was more active. He took a good nap- so with regards to him we are somewhat back on his normal schedule. Tomorrow is our phone conference with the dr.
Abby is still battling the fever and horrible plugged nose. She can't even breathe out of it. I've tried steam, vicks, vaporizer and it's plugged good. I am hoping things break loose soon- I know she would feel much better- hopefully this fever will leave this house!!
Some of the pics below were from before the kids were sick. Our trees were cut down today!

Look right above the 2nd window to see the man in the tree

There is another man at the very top of this one

Mom yesterday with sick baby

Ballerina mows the lawn

Guess what!! Veggie Booty is back!! Abby used to eat this when she was a toddler before it was pulled...YUMMERS.

My dear friend Heather in Nashville, TN sent me flowers today

Abby's blue hand that was STAINED blue after eating a popsicle. Makes you wonder what's in it.

Aidan before he was sick saying "GO" and then running

A boy and his snowman (still wearing the pink sun hat)

Shower Thoughts

I was washing my face in the shower this morning and I just said Lord...only you know what is taking place and I trust in you...

aghhhhh our babies are sick. Aidan's fever is back. Abby's temp this morning was 104.5 on the forehead. She barfed in her bed last night. She's eating and drinking and wants to play dress up so that is a good sign. After the countless times of Rick and I taking turns getting up, sleep finally came.

Oh and while I wasn't sleeping because when you get overtired and stressed- how does one sleep? I was thinking how life just has to continue...there is no waiting for me to heal from this surgery. Rick is supposed to go back to work tomorrow and the kids were supposed to be healthy and at school. So that is what I am struggling with...
To top it off- we are having our 3 big trees cut down today. Makes for even more excitement around here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

He's turning this around

I feel like I can finally breathe! Just got back from the dr. His O2 was at 97% today compared to 93% yesterday. He coughed all night so not much sleep for anyone. Fever is still gone!! We got him to finally drink in the middle of night and he was interested in more cheerios a bit ago. He's lost 2 lbs. We started antibiotics today for 5 days and he's on steriods for another 3 days. He actually talked to us a bit- saying bye-bye and baby. We haven't heard him talk in days...
We have a phone conference with the dr on Thursday and then a follow up appt next week to check his lungs.
The dr. did a courtesy sibling check on Abby. Her temp is at 103 but she's eating and drinking and actually being silly. With her immune system being a bit more mature, she should be ok in a few days.
Thank you ALL for your prayers and well wishes. What a great support system!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

One Word


It's after 7pm and the little man is down for the night. He is still very sleepy and still refusing to drink- we had to use the syringe. Still not a wet diaper and he is still having those bad coughing fits. Please continue to pray.
I am cautiously hopeful... his breathing continues to be much better and it's been 6 hours since he has had tylenol or motrin- the fever has not returned.
Hopefully Rick and I will be asleep shortly as well. Believe it or not I did have to drive dowtown this morning in the middle of all of this mayhem to get my stitches snipped. Have you ever had surgical taped ripped off your nipples? Yeah I bet you didn't think I would type that did you? Well it hurts. My dr doesn't know how often I've been lifting and holding Aidan the past 3 days and yet he says "healing nicely." I go back in two weeks.

Aidan Update

Still has the fever. He was working very hard to breathe today. The 'moaning' he has been doing we were told it's called "grunting" which is what they do because they aren't getting enough air. I LOVE our pediatrician. She was on the ball today- he received an IV, nebulizer treatment, steroid injection and had complete bloodwork. Oh and a strep test too (negative).
This is what we know- so far still viral. Potassium etc levels look good, glucose a bit high. White blood cell count good- PRAISE GOD. As of now, no sign of bacteria infection. We go back again tomorrow. Please continue to PRAY.
Abby now has a fever of 102. She has been absolutely amazing going to the hospital with us for the past 4 times. Very patient, well behaved and not feeling well to boot.
I have the best husband- one of us has to keep it together and it hasn't been me.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

2nd ER Visit

Aidan's temp this afternoon was 102.8 and that was forehead so it means it was higher. It wouldn't come down two hours after motrin. The on call ped. told us to return for evaluation. He was still at 102 rectally when we got back to the hospital. Aidan was also very sleepy- and not able to wake up, therefore not able to drink enough to make wet diapers. Our 2nd trip back included a chest xray and it looked good. We pushed more fluids and waited and waited and waited. He barfed when we got home. Wait... it gets better. Now Abby has a fever. I look back on last Wednesday and Rick and I would say "tomorrow it's GOT to get better" and here we are Sunday and it's not. Please Pray.

This picture was from my cell- when we actually got some smiles- Rick had to play 'horsey'

Please Pray

Aidan woke up with a 102 temp. We went to St. V's this morning due to his rapid breathing and wheezing. I thought for sure pneumonia- but they say bronchitis. Still a virus. Sent us home and told us to wait 2 more days. He's been sleeping ALL day. Still not eating- which is fine but trying to get him hydrated is a struggle. You know how when you worry- you lose your appetite- that is where Rick and I are- so we don't eat, Aidan's not hungry... and then we think- oh yeah we need to feed Abby. Poor girl!!
Please pray he gets better! Still don't know if the fever is a vaccine reaction or part of the virus or both.

What will

the day bring... It is after 6am and the entire family is still sleeping. Unheard for Aidan who has been up at 4 am and 5am the entire week. You could have cut the tension/stress level last night with a knife. Two very worried parents. He just does this moaning thing nonstop and his eyes are so tired. He was so exhaused he fell asleep on the floor at 4pm. He didn't eat yesterday and I am hoping there is a big discrepency in the scales at the dr office and the scales at urgent care. Tuesday he weighed 24lbs. Yesterday they told us 19 lbs.

We've missed church two weeks in a row obviously due to my surgery and Aidan- I could have used some worship time...

I'm praying he turns the corner- It's been a long week and it's so sad to see him like this.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hopeful To Soon

Aidan still has a fever and coughed until he threw up in his crib last night. He coughed so much today he has thrown up about 3x. Please continue to say prayers that he gets better. We did see a dr this morning and they cannot do anything for him since a) he hasn't been sick long enough and b) "it's just a virus"

Friday, June 20, 2008

We're Getting There!



Latest... slept all night. Coughing fit around 4:40 and went back to sleep. Rick and I couldn't get back to sleep but hey- we're rested now! Got some smiles and he actually ate a little snack. We are still battling a low grade fever but I think we're over the worst of it. Thank you Lord!
I am wearing shorts and a tank top today. Rick walks by me in the bathroom and says "you missed a belt loop" Now tell me... how can he notice THAT but not notice my skirt tucked in my underwear in public???????????????

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Meet Crabby and Crabby

Rick says he cannot take another day of it... he's outside right now taking it out on our lawn. Aidan has been sick this week- very bad cough that basically keeps him/us up all night. Speaking of night- We were asleep by 8:20 last night so that helped. Aside from getting up twice with the kids, Aidan slept until 5am. Anyway, Aidan woke up this morning with a fever, on top of the cold that he has had and the nonstop crying... today was no different- in fact much worse. He cried probably from 1pm until 4pm. It is so heart breaking because nothing/no one can console him. He received his Hep A and DTAP vaccines on Tuesday so I'm thinking... ok fever is probably from the vaccine. Then I read 'uncommon' problems: "non stop crying for 3 hours or more". Others include, loss of appetite, fever, fussiness, and tiredness (everything he has). Tonight after his bath I was sitting on the floor and he was crying (again) so I got his favorite blanket and he came to me and I wrapped him in it and he was completely asleep in less than 2 minutes at 6:40. So... does that mean he will wake us up at 4am??? Please pray for our little boy to come back to us. It's been such a rough road, especially for Rick. It's hard on mommy too since I can't hold him- although I've cheated and picked him up a few times. shhhh. But he still only wants his daddy. I'm not a fan of vaccines, I trust they are needed, I go with it, I'm leery etc. but not going to debate the topic.

Our colds are better. Mine is anyway. Abby seems good. Please send prayers for our boy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

House Husband? and Sunshine!!

So before my surgery I suggested we hire a housecleaner to come in ONE time since I cannot clean the house. Rick said he would do it. I threw a hissy fit (a big one mind you) because a) he will be having to take care of the kids more than usual b) take care of me c) laundry d) cooking e) bath time yada yada you get the picture. After I came to my senses, he was right (yes I said that). Why spend the money when he can do it?? I reminded him last week of what he was in for and he says "yes and I know you won't like how I do so I'll have to do it over" ha! That was funny. He wasn't happy that I took this photo- but come on. This is the FIRST time ever I've seen him clean a floor.

Ok funny stuff aside. We are ALL sick. Rick has been up since 1:30 this morning. Aidan is the worst- he's been crying literally nonstop all day long. Thankfully my mom came over and provided a bit of distraction for the kids. I hope tonight goes better. Most of the day was spent on the couch. Sore throats, headaches, runny noses, and coughing in the Jenkins house.

When Abby woke up from her nap she wanted Daddy to call Mr. Sun to tell him to make it warmer. She wants so badly to play outside in her swimming pool. Then she said "Mommy, can we say a prayer and ask Jesus to make it hotter." She's a water girl.

And our son, I believe is going to be 'one of those' kids who display large public fits in dramatic fashion. It's just a sense I'm getting. At least I have photos of him in red and pink high heels...
Oh and I know what Aidan thinks of my chest, I stepped out of the shower and he looks at me (I am pretty sure he knows something is different) and he points to my chest and says "pooey."

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

18 months and Weeds

Ok so you know how landscapers often leave business cards on your front door? Well we got one yesterday and on his card it listed a variety of items, one of them being:

weed control: inside and out

tell me- who has weeds inside? I am perplexed.

Rick took Aidan to his 18 mo. appt today. The little squirt is now in the 40% for height and 30% for weight. He's mighty crabby. He's had a cold with hives, was up at 4am today, and knows that I can't pick him up so he wants nothing to do with me.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 3

of confinement. I'm going crazy and I still have how many more days??? Feeling good- off the pain meds and the drains came out this morning. And... to my disappointment was told I cannot shower until tomorrow. I haven't showered since Friday. I reek. Even this morning Abby kept saying "something smells." Yeah- that would be your mom.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

to the man that I love. What a great father, husband, friend you are. Thank you for all that you do.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

That's Not How Mom Does It!!

Well here is the latest...I didn’t have to stay in the hospital overnight! I was soooooo relieved. Had a rough recovery as I usually do with the nausea- they gave me the ‘deluxe’ version of nausea meds while I was there- I had 5 different types. The drain tubes come out Monday and then I can FINALLY take a shower. I have to sleep sitting up and that is not fun at all. My blood pressure went down pretty dramatically while I was there. Apparently I was dehydrated and got 3 IV bags- even with me drinking a lot of water the day’s prior. They sent me home with an oral anti nausea med and I’ve found it’s the only one that works on me- about 7 or 8 last night I was able to eat toast and felt better. Rick set his alarm for every 3 hours so I could take my pain meds and he has to empty my drain tubes. The dr wasn’t able to take out the required amount but says insurance will still cover it. I am mighty sore today. The nurse told me days 3/4 are the worst.
Anyway, Rick has to take care of EVERYTHING while I recover. I can’t even lift milk out of the fridge. Plus he has a cold so the poor guy is just going nonstop. He now has to do bath time, brush teeth and blow-dry Abby’s hair. I kept hearing Abby tell him, “That’s not how mom does it.” Cracks me up.
Some funny moments this week: Thursday night I was in bed with Abby getting ready to say prayers and she was concerned that ‘Scuffy doesn’t know the names of all the princesses and he needs to learn them.” Aidan’s new word is waffle, or floffel, and Abby says sunscream instead of sunscreen. Also, on the way home from work/school Thursday Abby said we should be mountain climbers and get tattoos.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prayer Request

My surgery is fast approaching and I am a bundle of nerves... I feel selfish asking for you to pray for me- especially when there are other illnesses/surgeries of greater magnitude out there. However, I know the power of prayer works and I will feel better asking you to do so.
I have a long list but I'm keeping it short to the 'major' ones which basically include
1) that I wake up. that is important
2) no complications (ie, infection, fever, gang green, heart rate stays normal, blood clots, minimal loss of blood)
3) no cancer
4) speedy recovery so I can hold/lift my babies again
5) and most important- pray for Rick. He has to take on a lot during this time- the kids, me, cooking, cleaning, and two weeks off from work

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Scuffy Sighting

Tonight was Abby's first class of Summer soccer. Amazingly enough she is in a class of ALL girls. Rick, Aidan and I were on the sidelines watching when this little girl in Abby's class whizzes by us and hollers, "Hi Scuffy." Abby apparently told her new little friend her brother's name.
Scuffy waves back.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Sermon

“Fear makes you self-absorbed which is the opposite of love. Perfect love casts out all fear.” Profound for me right now. I profess I am self-absorbed- aren’t we all to some degree? Yet, the sermon today spoke to my heart about how I live in daily fear of something happening to me- even more so since my surgery is approaching and it weighs heavy on me thinking about my kids not having a mother. Self-absorbed, yet a mother’s heart.

Today Abby asked me, “Where does the tooth fairy live?” This of course caught me by surprise and I actually had no idea how to answer so I deflected to Rick and replied, “Uh… Mommy can’t remember, go ask Daddy.” She asks him and he says, “Uh.. in the sky.” Fair enough. Why didn’t I think of that? Abby replies, “As high as Jesus?” ahhhhhhh sweet. Rick says, “No, not as high as Jesus.”

We were finally able to try out the bikes and bike trailer today. (Aidan is big enough) I haven’t been on a bike in probably 25 years. After my nerves calmed and I figured it out I had a blast. The kid trailer has a huge storage place in the back so we can pack for a picnic and go places! Aidan wasn’t too happy about the helmet but before long he was waving and saying bye-bye.

Only ran 12 miles last week. I was struggling- lack of energy. I switched my iron pill around and am hoping that might help improve. We'll see. The kids have their picture re-takes on Wednesday late. We are going out for burgers after. Meat will help. Right? Right.

The girls and I surprised Rick with an early Father’s Day today and took him to breakfast. Jess was in town so it couldn’t have worked out any better. He had all of his babies together today and I cannot believe I forgot the camera.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Let's Negotiate

Abby now understands the concept of one…two… and you do what you’re told before three. At bedtime she will try to drag it out for as long as possible. She will extend her prayers to include “let’s pray for the blue sky and something else.” Or she will ask daddy to sing more lullaby’s or get out of bed repeatedly and bring us things to sleep with.
Last night, I am in the bathroom and I heard Rick tell her, “Either get in bed or go give Mommy a kiss.” He starts to count, “one, two,”… and then I hear her traipsing down the hall for a kiss. She’s back in her room and I again hear him say, “You have until the count of three, either get in bed or I will put you there.” He starts to count, “one… two… and she cuts him off and says “Can you go to four?”

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What I have learned...

from having a baby boy is

  • applesauce is made to be picked up and rubbed on your head for instant hair gel
  • trucks and/or cars should be driven on walls, mirrors, any and all furniture
  • spitting and making spit noises out of your mouth is considered hilarious
  • anyone who is eating or remotely near the kitchen needs to share the food
  • big sticks that are inserted into sliding glass doors for 'security' are meant to be swung around the house, and banged repeatedly on hardwood floors
  • climbing is an essential part of the day
  • all household items can be thrown regardless of size

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I love...

the sound of children laughing. Especially mine.

I did 22 miles last week. I took today off to 'rest.' After church Rick usually cooks breakfast and we read the paper. I left today completely open for him to work in "his" garage because he says that is what he wants for Father's day. Apparently he didn't feel like it. It was a nice lazy family day. I even took a nap.

Holy is the Lord seated on the throne sovereign king of all the earth we crown you Lord of all
Meet us here O gracious King...