Saturday, June 27, 2009

A whole lotta.....????

I survived my first week working 5 days in the office. Dramatic aren't I? LOTS of mom's work 5 days in the office and put in 50-60 hour weeks right? I just miss my kids that's the bottom line... and I'm having to alter some things like cleaning the house, grocery shopping and making dinner but we'll get there I guess . It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.

Father's Day tool apron Aidan made at school

ohhhhh look who is getting mail soon

Making cinnamon rolls (7 pans of them!!)

Stirring the frosting

Thursday, June 25, 2009

One of the best things about being a parent is...


Unicorn (obviously right?)

Finger Lickin Good

I like mom's homemade spaghetti sauce made with Grandma Irene's canned tomatoes!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Part I

(We miss you Jessica!!!)

Father's Day Part II

I don't know why they play these things at church when you are in a room filled with millions of people (yes, I'm quite sure it was millions) with no kleenex in your purse. Worth it though.

Friday, June 19, 2009

More CSA!!

We got our first farm share earlier this week! Lettuce, onion, potted flower, pinto beans, khalrabi, (she says to eat like a carrot. I think not) strawberries, rhubarb.
We've enjoyed strawberry shortcake and I made rhubarb crumb cake today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Recital and Other Stuff

Abby's recital was tonight downtown at the Newmark Theater. I had to take her there yesterday for dress rehearsal and back tonight for the real thing. I'm glad it's over .
Anyhoo... today was my last Wednesday working from home so I let the kids stay in their jammies all day because I'm lazy I'm a cool mom. Well, actually, I had a lot of work to do, and to be honest I am secretly trying to get in 27 miles this week. (Not so secret now eh?). So I ran twice today. But that's not the story... back to the jammies. Rick gets home early from work so I can take Abby downtown. She's all decked out in her costume, hair and make up. I promptly take her to the bathroom upon our arrival (where it's pretty crowded mind you) and we get in a stall to do our business and she's undressing all the layers and she yells, "Mom, I've had these underwear on since last night." I shhhhhhhhh her and then I laugh. Mom of the year I am.
Abby missed the last 2 weeks of ballet class due to the flu she had so the dress rehearsal that I video taped is funny, Abby forgot the dance. I have it on you tube- if you want to see leave me a comment and I'll link you. Tonight they actually did WORSE. Their teacher had them walk out with their wands which they have never done before so that really messed them up. Cutie pies though.
On to the other... Laura got great news... they got all the melamona and it had not spread. Also, for those of you who know the history of my mom's colon cancer... It seems as though it has spread to her bones. She is not giving me much information to go on. All I know is lower spine and pelvis. Radiation for 6 weeks. I can't get anything else out of her right now so I am giving her the space she seems to want. So... please pray.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Zoo Again!

Rick took Friday off because Abby's school was closed for the annual Father's Day fishing trip... my husband isn't an avid fisherman and y'all know how girly Abby is. He took her to the movies- her very first movie theater experience! All I got from her was 1) the movie was too long 2) the chair folded her in half. The funny part is Rick bought a popcorn and lemonade and she ate all the popcorn herself and was TOTALLY excited to find out the lemonade was PINK. (it was dark so she didn't know this until it was over). He was also off today because we were supposed to have a garage sale this weekend but just couldn't pull it off (aka lazy). We went to the zoo again this morning.

These warty pigs were HILARIOUS. They made my whole day. They were running around and around- this one wouldn't stop chasing the other one.

Here's my baby the baby elephant again!

Oh yeah- here's MY baby

Reminds me of March of the Penguins- one of my favorite movies.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy early Father's Day

We went to breakfast at Multnomah Fall's Lodge then on to Hood River to ride the Mt. Hood Railroad Train to Parkdale. We had a picnic lunch and on the way home stopped at Multnomah Falls again to visit.

Forehead Rub

Seeing the choo-choo train

Saying All Aboard

Kiss for Daddy

Sunday, June 7, 2009

CSA Visit

Today was 'open farm' day at the farm where we purchased our shares (CSA). All members are invited to visit the farm so we thought we would check it out and see where our food is coming from. It was a nice day for a drive and the kids enjoyed the tractor ride tour of the farm.

Who is sleeping in my bed?????

Me-Me and Nigh-Night (yes only one T on the 2nd night) are never far away. On Saturdays sometimes Aidan hears when Rick leaves for work (5:20am) and then he is up. I often put him in bed with me even though he never falls back asleep. However, due to their illnesses, they have been sleeping like crazy this week! Here he is this past Saturday- sleeping until after 8am!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Abby has been sick since... last Thursday 5/28. She had a fever from then until this Wed. Three dr visits, blood work and urine sample later... no ear infections, strep, pneumonia, bacteria or otherwise. INFLUENZA. She's not back to normal but I am thankful the fever is gone and so far no scary complications. She's really tired which is hard to see.
Aidan has been sick as well. In fact, the entire house is/was sick. So... not sure what else to tell you other than I felt completely disconnected, detached and frazzled this week.
Laura's surgery went well today. She won't have the results until late next week (if it has spread).

Monday, June 1, 2009

Will you join me?

Meet Laura.

We've been friends for over 20 years... to give you an idea of how close we are, we got matching tattoos when we were 18... and... we will most likely get them removed together but that's for another day.

These are Laura's beautiful babies.

Laura has melanoma, which is the bad kind of skin cancer. She will be having surgery this Friday. Will you please join me in lifting her up in prayer? Specifically for

safe surgery, a sense of calm for her
easy recovery
that it hasn't spread.

Did I mention how much I love her? Please pray for her this week.

In the day of my trouble, I will call upon you, for you will answer me. Psalm 86:7