Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prayer Request

My surgery is fast approaching and I am a bundle of nerves... I feel selfish asking for you to pray for me- especially when there are other illnesses/surgeries of greater magnitude out there. However, I know the power of prayer works and I will feel better asking you to do so.
I have a long list but I'm keeping it short to the 'major' ones which basically include
1) that I wake up. that is important
2) no complications (ie, infection, fever, gang green, heart rate stays normal, blood clots, minimal loss of blood)
3) no cancer
4) speedy recovery so I can hold/lift my babies again
5) and most important- pray for Rick. He has to take on a lot during this time- the kids, me, cooking, cleaning, and two weeks off from work

1 comment:

5guys&1lady said...

We're praying for you!!! I love you!!