Saturday, March 26, 2016

Spring Break

No Hawaii this year. Staycation was nice. Started with heading to Vancouver for Abby's last basketball game. Her team party consisted of horse riding- no complaints from her. They saw Zootopia. Visited Omsi (twice). Baked. Did homework. Played lots of hoops. Rode bikes. March Madness. Bowling. Blazers. Colored eggs. Tilikum Crossing. Even though I had to work most of it I enjoyed having them home and a respite from all the activities and the morning rush/evening rush. Next week starts swimming 3x a week, still gymnastics, and spring football starts. In a slump... hoping this sunshine helps a bit.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Spring Forward

Another meet. More basketball. This is our last week of it. It's been taking up almost every evening! Then a small break before spring Football. Cannot believe how fast another school year is going by.