Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 16

It's been 16 days that we have all been home together since my sugery and STUCK at home to boot! Aidan continues to increase his appetite. Today he was such a joy, almost back to his happy self. Aidan on steriods was a bit challenging for us so thankfully that is over. Honestly he would remind me of those little yapper dogs who growl and think they are really big dogs. He did- he would growl at us for the past few days and even wake up in the middle of the night in just a rage.
Abby woke up again this morning still with fever and her other ear perforated last night. I spoke with her ENT last night and he wants to see her in 4-6 weeks to see how the holes are healing. No swimming or getting her ears wet. He did reassure me and said he's not worried about any long term issues with this. Her fever seems to have tapered off as the day went on; she took a 4 hour nap!! I continue to pray she feels better tomorrow. We get little glimpses of her coming back, trying to be playful. She still isn't eating.
I've been working from home a little bit this week and also the past few nights in anticipation for my return to work on Monday and yet here I am, now sick.

1 comment:

anstrait said...

R & J,
We will CONTINUE to lift you up in prayer. Jacob and I pray for Abby and Aidan each night. The Lord is still in the healing business and we will pray specifically for His touch on them. We are also praying for grace for you two as you are parents, husband/wife, nurse and somewhere in there you need to go to work too.

The Lord bless you,and Keep you, The Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord life up His countenance on you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:23-27.