Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sick Day arghhhhhhhhh

Well I had to stay home today with the little man. He was up all night coughing- I think we got TWO hours of sleep. yeah I know wahhhhh wahhhh. And you know how the ped's office works, no fever, and not sick for 3 weeks then "it's a virus and it needs to run it's course". Thankfully we don't have to guess about ear infections!
He's been a trooper today- relatively happy, letting me work a bit at home and I even got some things done around the house. However, for being up most of the night he did not take a very good nap so I tried to hold him and get him to go back to sleep and he was moving around like one does when their tummy is upset. Do you see where this is going? I quickly brush that thought aside and determine that some fresh air is in order and that I would strap him the stroller for a walk before we pick up Abby (she didn't want to stay home with us today). I get him ready to go and he blows everywhere and it did not stop. Gross I know and to prove how bad it is and that we will probably need new carpet, I've included a picture. Also are more pictures of him wearing his 'scarf'

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Third Degree

Today was ballet. Abby has a routine where she puts her ballet clothes in our room and lays them on the railing in our sitting area. I bought her some new pink tights a few weeks ago and laid them out for her. Here is the conversation~

A: Mom, I have two pairs of tights. I wonder why?
me: because there is a new pair there
A: why
me: because your other tights are faded and need to be replaced
A: who bought them
me: I did
A: who was with you
me: daddy
A: where was us
me: you were at school
A: old school or new school (she still refers to kindercare)
me: new school
A: well why?

wouldn't most kids just run off and put them on? or just say thank you? I got the third degree over it. I felt like I was on the stand answering under oath.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The "Scarf"

Abby's flower girl basket from Jessica's wedding came with a green ribbon. Aidan has taking a liking to it and wears it like a scarf. He does this EVERY time he sees it. Just throws it on like a piece of clothing and wears it all over the place.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

How Great is our God...

sing with me how great is our God... and all will see how great, how great is our God...
LOVE that song. Our church today announced there are currently 2,000 children attending their children's ministries. AMEN!! That's TWO THOUSAND little hearts and minds learning and growing in their faith.
Yesterday my friend Colleen called and while I was on the phone with her, Aidan began to wail. I walked over and noticed him on the floor. I asked Abby, "did you push him over?" She replies no. then silence. then matter of factly "I knocked him down." So literal is the three-year-old mind.
Have you heard the song Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman? If not- it's on our play list below. About a month ago I saw the video on youtube and it made me cry- no, sob. I was sobbing. I tell Rick about it when he asks why I am crying. He goes on about his business. This morning he says "I heard this song on the radio yesterday called Cinderella and it made me cry" ok DUHHHHHHHHHHH. Why don't they listen? Anyway if you get a chance, it's a great song and beautiful video on youtube.
I ran/walked 5 miles yesterday. The older you get the worse your metabolism is. I've noticed. I can no longer use the excuse, 'I just had a baby' either because the baby is almost 15 months old.
Anyway last week was 13 miles total. I am starting week 7. Sooner or later it's going to make a difference right? right. Rick has an aversion the treadmill. He's avoiding it.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Word of the day. You say something to Abby and she begins with "Actually.. yada yada etc."
Yesterday before I left for work she says "when I am big will I still be your baby?" and "can you still rock me when I am big?" Oh sweet girl. Reminds me of the song by Natalie Grant which is on our playlist below.
We are still in teething misery. M-I-S-E-R-Y. And since I am doing a little whining- why is it everytime I turn around another pile of laundry or ironing is waiting for me to do something with it.
Here the kids and their lips.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tubes, Tylenol and Teeth

Aidan now has ear tubes. All went well- I have to admit it was harder the 2nd time around. We were both a bit more nervous than with Abby. Boy is he crabby! His top right molar has cut through- it wasn't there yesterday. So... were up at 4am yesterday for the whole procedure to allow extra time to drop Abby off at Gamma's and getting a much needed Starbucks- then the little stinker was up ALL NIGHT. His nose is running off his face- is it a cold or teeth???

I'm already wondering what tonight will bring.

Abby tells me she wants to drive the car by herself to school and wants Daddy to sit in the back. I tell her she has to be 16 and that she is only 3 and she replies "well I'll be 4".

She can now recognize almost all of the alphabet and has such a fun time pointing out letters that she sees on street signs, businesses, shopping bags etc.

We continue to give Prasie and Thanks to God for our little miracles!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday Blessings

Well it happened.
Aidan discovered his penis. Need I say more?

The weather was beautiful today- we took the kids to the park. Jessica was in town so she met us there with her sweet friends for some play time and then we went to Vancouver for Uncle Mark's birthday party.

I am starting week 6 of my back-on-the-wagon running ordeal. I am begging to loathe the treadmill. The first few weeks were great- I was excited but now... now I would rather put on jammies and watch tv. I did however manage to do 3 miles this evening. I am looking forward to the nicer weather when we can once again run outside with the jogger. I did remind Rick that both kids have probably doubled in weight so we will probably only make it to the end our driveway :-)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Wednesday is the day for the 'big guy' to get his tubes. I think his first official word is uh-oh. Does that count as a word? He has now mastered shaking his head "no" and thinks this is funny- he cracks himself up everytime. Abby is still doing swimming and ballet every week. She loves the water and wants us to sign her up for the next session without a parent and do the big kid lessons.
My broken toe is healing nicely. I've been running 8-9 miles a week now for 5 weeks. I also am enjoying our new camera and will be posting pictures often.
Rick is so very busy at work- it's review time and he has to get close to 40 reviews written in the next 2 weeks. I think he said they were raising his headcount to 55 employees. I don't know how he can keep them all straight.
We are anxious for spring so we can get outside with our bikes/kid trailer and start re-doing our front yard and other misc projects that we never have time for.