Sunday, November 28, 2010

I heart long weekends

I canned apple butter on Saturday and did some food prep for our Turkey meal.

Abby's prayer tree- she put on it: gymnastics, karate, Mom & Dad, Cooper, Grandma, house, animals, God, Jesus, Zoie, life, Aidan

Hop on Pop.

Gingerbread house decorating. Um... he started it and then decided to go outside and decorate the outdoor lights etc. so it still sits....

and finally.... we eat!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pledge of Allegiance by Aidan Age 3

You have to pause the sound at the bottom of this page.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Gobble Gobble....or not

Rick had Thanksgiving off this year- first time in 6 years! I think he's following in my footsteps to the assisted living home though because he thinks he told me he took it off. Looney Bin. To his defense he did offer to go get me a fresh turkey so we could actually have Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving day but I just wasn't prepared to pull all of that off.
It's been great having him home- we went to zoo lights and the inside of the house is decorated and we ran LOTS of errands. No Black Friday shopping for us either- which is a first in many years. There just weren't any must have deals we were seeking for us or what we plan on buying for others.
On Turkey Day we took the kids to see the movie Tangled, we went grocery shopping, we got the kids a tree and we went to the Michael's craft store sale. The kids LOVE their tree. It's funny how you worry about them touching the tree when they are itty bitty- and they never did- until this year.... they can't keep their hands off of theirs. Aidan already broke his ornament he picked out in Disneyland and Abby broke an arm off of something. I figured it would be fun for them since we get them a new ornament every year, as does their Grandma Irene, plus all the ones they make at school.
We're having our Thanksgiving on Sunday. Can't wait!!!!

Duck and Beaver Cookies- no I didn't make them

Heading to Zoo Lights- cracks me up- he could hardly move

Decorating their tree

Untangling the beads- he spent over an hour on this. I let the kids play with them and whoops- it became a huge mess

Decided to do this one over 2 days

Kids Tree

"Mom's Tree"

Putting up snow around my village

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The Santa visit today was liking waiting in line at Disneyland. It was a good 40 minutes! I like to go early since we decorate and tree trim on Thanksgiving due to Rick working.

Friday, November 19, 2010


We woke the kids up last Sunday at 4:30am and told them they were going to Disneyland. We kept it a surprise and their reaction wasn't what I expected:
Abby: Did you pack my stuff?
Aidan: Do I get a toy?
Abby: Why would you plan a trip and not tell us?
So much for surprises. We left town and headed to the Magical money pit I mean, Kingdom. We crammed as much as we could in. Only missed out on the Aladdin show and World of Color. There were tons of people- we were shocked! Maybe it was because it was their first week being all decked out for Christmas??? We took Aidan to this store called Build Your Ride where he got to make his very own Stealth Mater. It was great to get some sun in November but it's always good to be home where you aren't walking for 12 hours every day.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cooper and Crayons

Here's a pic of pyscho I mean Cooper at 1 year 3 months. Aidan was walking around reading the newspaper, er... picking out toys today so I grabbed the camera. I also made race car crayons. I found a blog that showed how to do it and I figured it would be pretty easy. I want to use them in Aidan's party favor bags for his birthday. It took me almost 3 hours- my fingers are so sore from peeling the wrappers off but they turned out!