Saturday, August 30, 2014


Cannot even believe it. School clothes washed and supplies separated. Last Sunday was church and errands. Home for hubs to nap and I was in the kitchen all afternoon making lunches, prepping dinners. Monday the kids started golf camp. Tutorting, gymnastics, soccer practice, meet the teacher/supply drop off/bbq. My dad had surgery this week- artery replacement in his leg. Kids and I are seeing my mom this morning- finishing up some last minute school shopping. I need to work on some reports for work and I'm finally going to start their photo books for the year.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Week 11

Just no slowing down. So last Saturday (16th) Ash and Nick finally tied the knot after 14 years!! Sunday up early to meet one of my best friends for brunch and massages. Monday the kids had dentist appts. Tuesday had to take Abby into ortho because the hygienist broke off a bracket. Wednesday up early-we took train to Seattle to stay with Jessica for the night. Rented a car to drive to Leavenworth/Wenatchee on Thursday to see my Great Uncle. The kids got to meet their GREAT GREAT Uncle. Friday back to Seattle for a Seahawks/Bears game! Got back to town this afternoon, ran errands and picked up the dog. Came home to make dinner and do laundry.