Friday, January 27, 2012


I keep this blog so I can refer back to it now and then. I write letters to the kids every year for their birthdays and seal the envelope. It's for them to read when they are older and can appreciate it... I tell them about their year, their milestones, vacations, things they are interested in, who their friends are, funny sayings... etc. Plus when they are older they might like reading it. I've been wanting to write today's post since yesterday- to get it down so I don't forget.
Wednesday Abby was presented with an award during Chapel. The award was for being a good listener. Kids who are nominated for awards typically don't know they are getting them. Rick and I both left work to see her receive it and surprise her!
During Chapel they had the kids break out into circles within their class and the Principal read some scripture and they were to listen (keeping with the listening theme) and then write or draw what was in their heart.
Later that day when I picked Abby up from school she says, "Mom I have my very first meeting tomorrow!" I said with who? What for? She says "With the Principal." I'm thinking?? I don't know what I was thinking actually. She's a great kid- she wouldn't cause problems. She said during Chapel when they were writing that God spoke to her and wants her to get bibles to Egypt. Hence the meeting with the Principal. I figured her teacher saw what she wrote and mentioned it to the front office or something. I really wasn't sure where this was going- so I told her good luck with her meeting and we sorta talked about how they speak a different language than us and we would have to figure it all out blah blah... and in my head I didn't want to rain on her parade so I kinda mentioned other things like, your typical food drive or something that was EASY. Yeah, here I am trying to make it about me because I'm all about easy. Good Grief. Cause you know, when I was in first grade all I cared about was ding dongs and twinkies, getting dirty and playing. Definitely NOT SPREADING THE GOSPEL IN THE MIDDLE EAST for crying out loud.
Thursday comes, I am at work and my cell phone rings. It's the Principal of her school. She tells me who she is and right off the bat that Abby isn't sick or injured. Whew. She then says she is trying told hold back tears because our Abby, our FIRST GRADER went to the office yesterday after Chapel and requested a meeting with the Principal. She told her that God spoke to her and she wants to raise money to get bibles to Egypt. The Principal said to her, were you just watching something on TV lately? The news? Did you hear people talking about this? Abby says No- God told her. The Principal says how do you know? Abby says, I know it in my heart. I start blubbering... because my gosh this child... she prays often just to get $50 to give to the poor. She has $12 of it saved from the tooth fairy. The last time she had money- all of four dollars, she handed it to me and said "I want this to go to Nzembi," (Nzembi is our Compassion child) and another time she gave me her money for Haiti. She tells me when she is a grown up and she sees people on the street holding cardboard signs, that she will take them home with her so they can have a 'family.' The Principal goes on to tell me about she knows how Abby is so quiet, and never makes a peep, and for her to go into her office with such courage with those "big eyes"- that she has confirmation this is something they should do to help make it a reality for her.
She asked if we can do some leg work to find out how much, how to proceed, what organizations etc. Getting bibles there is no easy task considering the unrest taking place. We're looking at getting her some stamped bracelets or faith bracelets to make and sell at school to raise money.
This morning, I go downstairs and find the actual paper(s) she wrote on during Chapel and I was again moved to tears.

I am in awe.
All things work together for those who love God and are called according to HIS purpose.
Romans 8:28

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Day of Rest. Not.

Went to Church, Costco for the kids' passport photos, back home... cleaned our bathroom, made a big pot of chicken tortilla soup for tomorrow, made lunches, back to Costco to pick up photos, a stop at Target, dusted and mopped upstairs, made a new recipe for dinner- basil fettuccine with sun dried tomatoes, olives and prosciutto (I didn't care for it... could be because I caught Aidan's cold and have a sore throat), dusted and mopped upstairs. I'll finish the rest of the house cleaning tomorrow and Tuesday after work. It's so I can enjoy my 3 day weekend :-) Abby doesn't have school on Friday so I'm taking it off to save on daycare $$. I REALLY wish we could find alternative daycare/after school care.
She's getting sealants on her molars and then I'll take her on some errands. Rick has Saturday off for a planned shut down at his work so another 'normal' weekend will be nice.
I haven't ran in two days- so so so tired in the mornings and it's probably cause I'm getting this cold. blah.
So yeah. Lame blog post. no photos.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Last Friday Rick and I took the day off to have "date day." Doesn't happen very often- like 2 or 3 times a year. We went to breakfast, got lattes, we had a Groupon that was expiring for the movies so we saw the Descendants, and for our anniversary we both got each other a gift cert for a massage so we used those.... picked up the kids, made a big chef salad for dinner and called it a day. Saturday after Abby's ballet class we headed to the beach for some R&R. Seriously- my goal was to sleep and read. No joke... and boy did I accomplish. I finished a book, read another book, and all 3 of my magazines.We checked in and I promptly took a nap. Rick woke me up cause the the kids were bored so we went down to the beach and FROZE and then took them swimming at the pool and ate dinner. Got some reading in and slept some more. Sunday we ventured out for a bit of driving here and there- it was SO COLD. We went to the Marine Science Center and then in the afternoon we did puzzles and games with the kids, watched football and read some more. As I was sitting on the bed reading I kept thinking this is insane to be paying for this room when I can be doing this at home but I can't really. At home I am surrounded by things that need doing. So it was nice to be CAPTIVE. No laundry, ironing, lists, projects, cooking, cleaning. We took Abby to Abby's Pizza (well both kids not just her), came back and I slept for 10 hours. Woke up to snow and got on the road early. As soon as we got inside the house it was all business- I unloaded the dishwasher, Rick started the laundry, we unpacked, ran to the store, I boiled eggs for the week, cut cabbage for tomorrow night's dinner, roasted peppers for the next night's dinner, made a chicken salad for sandwiches. Rick got on his laptop to do some work and then I logged in to make progress on my work. Yep back to things that need doing.
Driving home

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You too....

can work full time, clean your entire house, run 17 miles, prepare meals and grocery shop all in the same week IF you have a fabulous and very helpful husband, don't get much sleep, and make lots of lists. I tell ya, he's been a life saver this week- well every week to be exact. On his days off he does laundry, makes lunches, washes sheets and RUNS MY ERRANDS. He keeps me from going bonkers. Although I did find a can of unopened olives in the fridge that I had put there. sigh.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Hands down I am glad to say good-bye to 2011. It wasn't my best year. Not that I am complaining- I am blessed beyond measure.
I ended up with the stomach bug Wednesday night. It was awful. I thought the barf bug of 2010 was bad- this one ranked right up there with it. I made it into work ONE day last week. ONE.... during month end and year end. What can you do though.... this too shall pass eh?
Spent Sat and Sun cleaning house and clearing out their rooms and playroom of stuff i.e. toys and clutter. We did take time out to go visit Rick's dad. Oh and let me not forget that Aidan shoved a red hot up his nose. This is our 2nd nose incident with him. I would be interested in some sort of study to see the type of people who have stuffed things in noses and ears and what they turned into as adults. Personality traits... occupations even.
What makes one just have the urge to put something in their nose? I do not get it. Thankfully this one didn't require a trip to the ER.
Today was our Anniversary- kids had dentist appointments. Abby lost a loose tooth in the waiting room!