Sunday, March 30, 2008

Let's Talk About Poop....

This is what bribery gets you.

Abby and Aidan have been attending their 'new' school for exactly one year. In all that time, Abby would not poop at school. Granted, they only attend two days a week but she would hold it.. which in turn causes other problems for her. This week, when I picked her up, her teacher told me that she thinks Abby needs to go but is holding it. I get her home and she doesn't go... that night I decide to tell her, "when you are ready and feel like pooping at school, I'll let you pick out a toy." Then I added, "at the Disney store". Yeah.. really make the offer sound grand.

I pick her up Friday and she pooped!! I rejoiced, yet I was a bit hesitant because she had a bit of a tummy bug this week and had bouts of diarrhea (sorry too much information) so in essence, she basically had NO choice but to go there. Needless to say- it's a HUGE step.

We took her to the disney store today, she said she wanted some sort of house for her princess dolls- this could mean a dollhouse.. or one of those barbie cases.. We were nervous- thinking she would pick out some house that was $100. But nooooooooooo. She picked out princess sunglasses, a princess dress, and princess shoes. None of which match and we got out of there for $27 bucks.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Apples = Ball

We have these fake apples as decor (below). Aidan has been picking them up and saying "Ball" and chucking them all over the house. The kid has a great arm. It's so true how different boys are.
Here are the 'say cheese' pictures.
Not much to report this week... we painted more in the garage and it's very close to being done. I even found time to take everything out of the fridge and scrub all the shelves...ick. Next we are tackling the curtains and getting them washed. Spring cleaning! I'm still running- 14 miles last week and this week. We are getting ready to have a garage sale (big sigh).

His head is healing nicely :-)

Monday, March 24, 2008

I dread....

when you get that call at work from the kids' school or home... I immediately say what what? SPILL IT. This morning I am in a meeting and the receptionist comes over and says "Rick is on the phone, I told him you were in a meeting but he said it's urgent and he needs to talk to you"

My heart races and I pick it up- he says Aidan fell and hit his head and something about a line is now showing up on his head. I tell him I'll meet him at the dr. I'll tell you why I am nervous- because Rick is always the calm one. He stays cool and focused. When I heard his voice I could tell he was worried. The whole time while driving there he does not have his cell phone on therefore I am sitting in traffic with various thoughts going through my head about what has happened to our boy.

He is actually fine, he wacked it hard- a big goose egg that swelled enough to break the skin. Here are some pics of his pink eye and now his new owie. If you look closely at the middle picture you can see how far the lump sticks out!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Spring!

Here are some recent pics. We get the ball pit out every so often and they get a good workout from it. We colored Easter eggs today!!

Ball Pit

Hanging on to Dad's leg


Tuesday, March 18, 2008


We watched Michael Moore's Sicko last night. I encourage EVERYONE who is reading this to rent it, put it on your netflix list- whatever. It is an an eye opening documentary about the health care system in United States. It will leave you speechless...shaking your head in amazement and disappointed. Let's just leave it at that.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Binky Update

Words cannot describe our misery. Kidding- well kinda of. He's sleeping great- went right to sleep last night. He's just gnawing on everything-the office chair, my leg, the couch. As long as I keep him completely distracted things go rather well. We had a playdate this morning at Owen's house and Abby held a kitten. We sure miss our Putters.

Friday, March 14, 2008

24 Hours and Counting......

that aidan has been without his binky. I don't know who is having the harder time- him or I. My jaw hurts from clenching it. The poor boy is lost without it- so much that he has started to suck on his snowman's hat. I've almost given in a few times but I know once we get past the first 2 days we should be ok. We took Abby's away at 15 months, I feel obligated to do the same. I don't remember it being this hard for her. Maybe it's because he has always been so oral. It took awhile for him to go to sleep but he did sleep all night and woke up CRABBY. Crabby kids make a crabby mommy.
Wish us luck…
Abby loves school buses. Every week she tells me she wants to ride one. Last night she said "I can ride the school bus now because I'm a big girl and taller than some kids." Gotta love her reasons.
This morning before we left the house she asked what we are having for dinner tonight. I said "crabcakes, asparagus, and rice" She says to me again, what are we having??? I repeated "crabcakes…" and she cuts me off and says "you mean him?" and points to Aidan. I started laughing- when he would get fussy I used to call him crabcakes.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Early Morning Questions...

On the way to school this morning Abby asked a few questions

A: Why is it dark?
Me: Because mr sun is still sleeping and it's raining
A: Is mr sun tired?
Me: I guess so
A: Is mr sun cold? Does he use a blanket?
Me: Probably not cold. No
A: Does he use a pillow? I bet he doesn't

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunny Sunday

What a beautiful day! Every other week we only get ONE day together and it's daylight savings- that hour means a great deal! I thought I had it all planned out...had the kids eat lunch earlier, put Aidan down for a nap earlier, didn't let Abby nap at all, fed them dinner an hour earlier and they even were asleep an hour earlier- we all still slept in and missed our church service.
(we don't set alarm clocks around here because they always wake us up)
We made our first trip to Al's garden center. Our front yard needs help and lots of it. We also bought a tee-ball set today and let Abby practice. She was a good sport but decided she rather have a snack and go for a walk. I asked her tonight if she liked playing it and she said "no, it's not fun". Well there you have it.

This is my favorite pic

Practice with Daddy

Nice Pose


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Week 8 = 15 miles!!

First off- I'd like to say that I could drink a Chocoloate Hazelnut Milkshake every day from Burgerville.... have you had one???

I logged 15 miles this week.... probably won't do that again. The only day I took off was Tuesday. I've increased my pace too- so now I need to figure out if I want to improve on that or my stamina. The weather is getting nicer so Rick will want to run outside- on one hand it's great- sure beats the monotony of the treadmill, on the other it's torture on my knees. I can't sneak up on anyone because you can hear me coming- my knees sound like rice crispies when I walk. Ahhh those cheerleading days... or was it step aerobics? or is this just what happens as you get older?

We are painting the garage. We have a huge project list and I want to get it DONE. I do not want to spend our entire summer working on this list. Rick started painting it last summer maybe??? I finally offered to help to speed things along. So.... when the kids go to bed we spend some time out there.

Took Aidan to the dr today- he's been sick for almost 3 weeks. It's a 'sinus' infection- really he doesn't know- he can't say but typically colds don't last that long. He said we can choose to fill the prescription or wait a few more days to see what happens. Anyway it was nice to see Grandma since she works on weekends. She looks FABULOUS. Amazing woman she is.

Twice this week Abby got up at 1am and 3am, came into our room, turned on the light, went to the bathroom and went back to bed. There we were trying to slumber under the bright lights.

Hope to get some pics posted soon. It's been a busy week.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Let's Applaud ALL the Single WORKING Mom's

Put your hands together and clap. It's ok to feel and look dorky but they deserve it. Thursday and Friday nights and every other Wednesday I am on my own and IT'S HARD. I cannot imagine doing it full time. I could write a long saga of all that makes it hard and challenging in my house but it's life. It is what it is. If you know a single working mom or your own mom was a single working mom- APPLAUD THEM.