Friday, August 29, 2008

What day is it

I've been off work since Wednesday... techincally working from home but I've been lacking motivation and doing a bit here and there. I decided to buckle down this evening and dive in and get somewhat caught up.
A random thought I have- why do women wear high heels to the zoo? I am perplexed by this. Why oh why do you feel the need to put yourself through that much pain???
Guess who locked herself out of the house with her two kids? I took the kids on a walk Wednesday- normally I take my cell and my keys but this time didn't bring my keys. The batteries to the keypad to get into our garage had died. This was at 4pm and it would take Rick at least 45 mintues to rescue us. I called my mom first and left a message, she called me back about 5 minutes later thankfully she lives one mile from us and brought me our spare key.
I noticed today there is blue paint(??) on the front bumper of the minivan. I tell you- this car is destined to be hit with signs, shopping carts, shelving and now something blue. I'm thinking eventually they will just have to repaint the whole thing. The landscapers were by today to drop off wood to set up stuff. I am getting SOOOOO EXCITED.

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