Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday Already

We had margaritas last night :-)

After work yesterday Rick met me at Abby's school and we headed up to OHSU to see my friend's new baby. What a precious little thing she is. Welcome to the world Ashley Nicole, you are beautiful!! We took the kids on the tram- I have to admit that was pretty cool. Aidan kept signing "more more." I love that both kids use their sign language even after they can say the words. Speaking of, Abby's ASL teacher at her school gave notice... I am hoping they continue with that class.
Ok so we are walking from the hospital back to our car- and you know how OHSU is always busy- with students, interns, nurses, drs, patients, dental people, patients, visitors etc who stand outside and wait for a bus or a ride or I don't even know... well we are walking and I am holding Abby's hand and she says- and loudly I might add, "Mom you are stinky, you need to take a shower." She thinks this is funny- she likes the word stinky and uses it often. I am fairly certain and confident that I did not, in fact, stink. However, she says this in front of ALL those people standing outside. I think I even saw one guy snicker- a part of me hopes he was just on his bluetooth wireless thing and was talking to someone on his phone.

I made 2 loaves of zucchini carrot bread today. SCRUMPTIOUS.

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