Sunday, August 17, 2008

Menu, Picnic, Conversation, Wrist Bump...

and not in that order. I am skipping ANOTHER day of running in favor of an ice cream sandwich, my new (used) book and the Olympics. Or maybe a movie. Tomorrow I'll get back on the wagon- it's supposed to be cooler. I feel like I've gained 10 lbs. I'm too afraid to check.
This my conversation with Rick tonight- we are trying to talk above two very loud children
Me: We need to talk about Aidan's MMR shot
Rick: we need to talk about dinner out?
I still crack up only because we have conversations like this ALL too often. Tomorrow I am going back to the dr. for my ganglion cyst in my wrist. I've had this sucker for about 18 years- you know the old school method of having someone hit a book over it- that's not going to happen. I've been in about 3x over the years and they keep giving me a wrist brace to wear which I don't. Needless to say all the lifting I've been doing with the kids has caused it to become larger. Photo is below. Can you say ewwwwww
Menu for the week got a bit switched around since we ate out last week and my mom surprised us with dinner one night. So... chicken veggie stir fry, ravioli bake, teryaki chicken sandwiches, crab melts (ohhh yumm), chicken salad sandwiches, chili, fajitas. Super easy week. Yeah for me.

Yes of course snowman (me-me) still goes everywhere

Getting a ride with Uncle Mark

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