Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Beach Trip

The low down on our trip... not the greatest but a good adventure. It was cold, rainy- even had hail on the day we drove down. Aidan cried pretty much the whole way there and most of the day until he let loose two poops then he was a happy boy. He was up most of the night- not sure if it's the 3 eye teeth he is teething, his mini cold, or different surroundings. I learned that my daughter talks in her sleep more than I thought she did and she grinds her teeth. We were excited to get Aidan in the pool until we saw a sign that bascially said kids still in diapers cannot be in the pool. BUMMER. Abby went in for a bit- she can't get her ears wet until she sees ENT next week.
When we were at the outlet mall she was holding my hand and walking a bit in front of me and said something like "Dad, I'm walking the dog." Now, how would you take that????
It was nice today and the kids got to do what we came there for- play in the sand!

First time flying a kite. Lasted not even a minute. She said, "Dad I'm all done"

He was dumping his crackers in and then tried to eat them. GROSS

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