Friday, June 22, 2012

Week 2 Summer

Aidan's soccer class consists of him and his buddy Jake. That's the whole class. Can't complain- it's like private lessons. Kids' swim instructor had/has to cancel 5 Sundays in a row... so we did back to back make up classes Tues and Wed this week. I signed Abby up for a pop tart making class. The kid loves pop tarts. Yes, I do let her indulge in the store bought icky sugar and preservatives. Funny how when she was born I was all about tofu and "she will never EVER watch tv or eat 'boxed' food." HA. Or how I would never co-sleep. I can't count the times I woke up to little squeaks because I was smooshing Aidan. Field trips this week were a movie and the Humane Society. Taking them to a jump place tomorrow morning to play before Aidan's hair appt. The rest of the weekend is devoted to getting the dreaded annual garage sale ready.

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