Saturday, March 26, 2011


After the week we had and missing quite a bit of work due to the dog and spring break I declared today pajama day. I'm already bored though. Since I was home a lot during the week I was able to get the house clean and misc. errands done. I really am not motivated to do anything but I can't seem to sit still. Abby's teacher asked parents for volunteers in purchasing butterfly larvae for their butterfly pavilion. I volunteered thinking others would as well- WRONG. So me and my big mouth just spent fifty bucks on creepy crawlies. We had to separate it and fill the containers with food, mash it down, and use a paint brush to get single larvae out. I made Rick do that part. I'm just hoping they make it to Monday when they go to her classroom so I'm no longer responsible for any larvae deaths.

She loves animals. Hence the need to run around the house on all fours pretending to be one... and doing this while Mom opens the garage door. SMACK.

Abby took it upon herself to make sticker charts. They are already good kids so I kind of feel like it's a scam.

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