Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day and Day 3

Each year I LOVE love love love getting Mother's Day gifts that the kids make at school. They are just too precious.
Aidan decorated this baking bowl and it came with a cream cheese strawberry cupcake recipe

From Abby I received a painting of a heart on an easel made of twigs and book about what her and I do together (she is getting so good at writing her name)
The last page was my favorite- the picture of us

Day 3: The only time I hurt was when I had to go to the bathroom. Weird I know but the toilet seat must just hit in the wrong spots???!!!! Too much information? I did Level 2 tonight and like it. Like is too strong a word but it was good- except for the planks. She makes you do a lot of those. I had to stop a few times because I'm a wimp Jillian doesn't do the whole 20 minutes either- she walks around talking!! How do you like that excuse? I took the kids on a 2 mile walk tonight instead of run. My legs are rubber.

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