Saturday, November 22, 2008

Don't you wish...

you could be an almost two-year-old and lay on your 'nigh-night' on the floor without a thing to do??? I pondered this today as I tackled dishes, laundry, ironing, bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, dinner and running. Running... my husband and his newfound competitive streak has been running for two weeks now and was boasting to me about his 11-minute miles when it took me many many months to get mine down to 10 minutes. Two words for you dear...BRING IT.
Do you ever mentally argue with yourself? The beginning of the week I told myself that I was going to run 20 miles this week. After 12 I was thinking-that's plenty. I'd rather just do other things (like popcorn, tv, and a girlie magazine) Friday night I said- ok I'll just run 2 and I'll end the week at 14. Well... it was a really good run so I hit 16. Can't hit 16 with being so close to 20 so I ran my last 4 today. That sad part is- a new week starts tomorrow. And a nice short one at that :-)
I am cooking our Turkey dinner on Wednesday. Rick is working on Thanksgiving- most likely just a half day. He's worked the past 3 Thanskgivings so I asked him if he could leave early so we could see my Mom if she isn't working and then visit my Dad's side of the family. While he is back at work Fri and Sat I'll start on the tree...
Abby got an award at Gymanstics for "Amazing Tuck Jumps." Aidan is still having separation anxiety. More later.

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