Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunny Sunday

What a beautiful day! Every other week we only get ONE day together and it's daylight savings- that hour means a great deal! I thought I had it all planned out...had the kids eat lunch earlier, put Aidan down for a nap earlier, didn't let Abby nap at all, fed them dinner an hour earlier and they even were asleep an hour earlier- we all still slept in and missed our church service.
(we don't set alarm clocks around here because they always wake us up)
We made our first trip to Al's garden center. Our front yard needs help and lots of it. We also bought a tee-ball set today and let Abby practice. She was a good sport but decided she rather have a snack and go for a walk. I asked her tonight if she liked playing it and she said "no, it's not fun". Well there you have it.

This is my favorite pic

Practice with Daddy

Nice Pose


1 comment:

TG's Mom said...

I love that first picture of the kiddos...I can't believe how quickly they have grown.