Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer Week 3

You know how you pray about something/someone and you tell yourself if it's not God's plan it's still all good and just continue to trust in Him for He knows our path. It's still stings a bit when it's not the outcome you prayed for.  Thank you Joel Osteen for posting some great quotes this week..."When you place your trust in God, He will accelerate His plan for your life. You will accomplish your dreams faster than you thought possible."
Anyway... Monday work as usual kids home with dad to pick up tile, etc. He took them out for pizza since that was on their "summer" wish list. Easy enough. He was out of patience when I got home and I had a crappy day at work so we ate dinner around 430 (thank you crock pot) and I sent him to hit golf balls. He has had a doozy of a man-cold this week.  It's been nice not having ANY sports activities or homework after work. Bliss.
Tuesday they hung out with dad. He hung up my pictures. He had painted our downstairs bathroom for me last month and I had some remaining pictures. I did yellow/gray theme. The Bushel and a Peck song Abby and I would sing to each other when she was little.
Wednesday work and daycare. They went to a park for their field trip.
Thurs work and daycare. We got our maple trees pruned. Yayy
Fri work and daycare. Field trip to the Air Museum and summer FINALLY arrived. We came straight home and they headed for the pool. Came in and ate dinner and went back out.
Today Aidan had a hair cut, we ran a few errands and then it was pool time all day.

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