Saturday, November 17, 2012


Each day I was waiting for signs of the tummy bug to show up in Rick or myself. I would look at food and think oh if I eat this and then get sick it will not be pleasant. Even the dog threw up.
Monday the kids had Veteran's Day off. I had to work and I also had their teacher conferences. Abby's teacher was at a loss as to what to say. She is reading 143 words in 40-something seconds where the average for 2nd grade is 90 or 93 words in one minute. She asked me if we should double up on her homework or give her special assignments to keep her engaged. She also said one week at the end of the day when it was chaos and the kids were loud and crazy Abby came up to her and tapped her on the arm and just quietly told her a bible verse. She said it instantly calmed her. It made me realize how truly special this little girl is and some days I just take it all for granted. What a gift she is.
Aidan is plugging along in Kindergarten. His teacher said he is right on track and loves to help her. We've been having him read to us at night and he's really coming along. He is such a sweet little thing. I'm just relishing this age right now.
Abby moved up to Level 3 in gymnastics so that changes our schedule to Friday nights where it's Rick's work day so I'll have to bring Aidan and keep him occupied for 1.5 hours. eeks.
It's been a relatively calm week. Much needed before the Thanksgiving week chaos of decorating that will ensue. Rick has to once again work on Thanksgiving Day. I'm a bit sad this year because as the kids get older you want that 'tradition' but I laugh because they don't really know anything else other than on Thanksgiving Day we decorate the tree because Daddy works.
Abby's Egypt story was published yet again. This is the 2nd time too in the local newspaper. God is always at work!
Rick took today off so I could attend a brunch and wine tasting birthday party. Came home and had to quickly prepare a meal to deliver. Abby's first best friend from when they were 2 became a big sister to twins after 7 years of her parents undergoing fertility treatments. Sadly they moved after Pre-K and we just haven't been good about getting the girls together. We had a great visit and I got a double baby fix!

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