Sunday, November 11, 2012

Birthday and Barf

Rick's Birthday was Wednesday. I took the day off so we could have a 'date.' It was short lived since the kids only had a half day of school. I also had Muffins for Mom's in Aidan's classroom first thing. We went to breakfast at our favorite place and ran some errands. He was able to hit a bucket of balls too. He picked Benihana for his birthday dinner since he gets a free meal. It was a food day for sure. He had a pretty good cold going on and that night Aidan threw up twice. The first time we didn't even make it close to anything and it went ALL. OVER. THE. BATHROOM. For the record, we have carpet in our bathroom. I don't know what we were thinking. Rick shampooed the carpet from 2 until 3am. I ended up taking another day off to stay home with the little man and found out kids were being sent home for the same bug and 2 teachers! By the end of the day Thursday, Abby said there were only 6 kids left in her class. The nice thing about an extra day off is I was able to work on cleaning house so I could actually enjoy my weekend. That was short lived however, when we went to family service at church this morning and Abby barfed ALL. OVER. THE. PEW.  I don't know what was worse, the sound of it, or the lady in the pew in front of us with the loudest gasp I've ever heard. So we've still got Man-Cold and now Round 2 of tummy bug.

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