Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 10!!!

Abby is excited for school to start, Aidan is indifferent, and me, I am in denial. I feel like I didn't get any time with them this summer which in turn conjures up all kinds of feelings about being a working mom and 'missing' out. I've had a new kind of anxiety creep up which so far has been diagnosed as "globus" of the throat. So uh yeah....I'm trying prilosec for 4 weeks and then if that doesn't help I get to visit with ENT. Between that, my sore foot and missing my kids I pretty much cry at the drop of a hat- putting away the vacuum, walking up the stairs, driving... you name it I'm crying. We missed church on Sunday because we were supposed to go to the beach but we were never on the same page about it so it didn't happen. I went to Barre and we took the kids to get donuts and they swam most of the day. Today Rick skipped Aidan's soccer and took them to the summer movie express so the kids could see Arthur Christmas. I have a meal delivery tonight and kids will probably swim some more or ride bikes. We took them to the park the other night after bike riding in their jammies. Kids go to Out of this World Pizza for a field trip on Thursday. Not for pizza-just for the huge play structure!

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