Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter, ER and Ears

Abby drew this today at school (she goes to a Christian school for those of you who might wonder if she's drawing disturbing pictures). When I pulled it out of her backpack my eyes welled up with tears. Seeing His sacrifice through the eyes of a 6 year old.
Right before bath time tonight she asked me if something was in her ear I told her no she said it hurt. After bath she got worse- lots of tears. Rick took her to the ER where he told me he had to walk around with her because she was crying the entire time. They gave her numbing drops in her ear and tylenol with codeine. Apparently her ear is completely impacted with wax and he can't irrigate it because it will be too painful. We have to wait 10 days after her meds and for the infection to clear up and bring her back to her dr for irrigation.
*updated- this morning she woke up and her ear perforated some time during the night. The good news is she is pain free but I'm sad that it happened. again.

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