Saturday, January 23, 2010

This is what happens

when you leave your five-year-old unattended. My New Year's resolution is to drink more red wine. Last year it was to give more. This year it's to prioritize the 'Author of all that is good' and to drink wine. I'm not a big fan of red wine but all the studies indicate it's good for your health. I'm thinking it's good for situations like this.

Don't you feel more in control when you draw near to God? When you seek him first? This last year was a blur of 'busyness' where my relationship would wax and wane. Although as Christians we KNOW he is to be first, but yet some days we I do not follow through and He ends up getting my leftovers.
"Busyness is a manifestation of the problem of misplaced priorities"
(busyness is also what happens when you don't keep an eye on your five-year-old)

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