Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The most FREAKY thing happened to me this morning. I am still shaken by it and I am still shaking as I type this for you to read. I was driving up I-5 to take Aidan to his hair cut. I-5 North to take the Haines exit to be exact. I am in the far right lane and there is a white older pick up truck next to me, he is behind a big semi truck. When I drive with the kids I am, what I believe to be- is extra cautious. I think to myself, I wonder if this truck wants to get over because he is stuck behind the semi. It's nearly 9am and still rush hour traffic. I look at him again to make sure he isn't coming over in my lane and I notice he has no rear view mirror and think- ok he can't see me so I need to adjust my speed. Then my eye looks at his right front tire and for a fleeting moment I think, "his tire is going to blow and I want to just be away from him" Why would I think his tire would blow? Why? A VERY big POP and then BOOM and the tire blew. TIME STOOD STILL. We are going 60-65 mph and he is headed for me. I had a small heart attack, the surreal reality of what just happened is beyond my comprehension. And if I had a full bladder I would have peed my pants. I gunned it and steered us towards the shoulder, he BARELY missed us. BARELY. I was shaking so bad and trying to catch my breath. I don't know if I stopped breathing or if it was just the anxiety of it all but I felt like I had just got done with a hard run. I got to Aidan's hair cut place and when I got out of the car I could hardly walk my legs were like jello. WHY would I think his tire would blow?
Rick is at an all day manager training class today which is why I am home- we had no one to watch Aidan. We tried his school but they were full today. I couldn't call him so I called my dearest Christian friend, Colleen.
Sure- things like this... coincidence but in my heart I want to seek the meaning, the message. I know there is a message in it. So many thoughts rang through my head Thank you God came first and then the how?why? what? What is the message? Colleen is by far one of the most strongest women/mothers I know. She took a great deal of time out of her work day to talk with me about it.
God led my eye to that tire- maybe to say- hey trust in me. Quit worrying. I'll take care of you. Maybe not. I'm still analyzing. Anyone else care to hop in on this discussion?

1 comment:

TG's Mom said...

This gave me the chills and brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad you guys are ok!!!