Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ethan Has His Wings

Ethan Powell passed away today. This is a baby whom I have been praying for over the past year. I do not know him or his family personally (they live in another state) but somehow stumbled upon their website through Ethan was born the day before Aidan and was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 2 months old. I felt compelled to follow their daily updates and prayer requests since their son is the same age as ours. When Aidan was still waking at night I would rock him and sit there and think I get to hold my healthy son and they are at St. Jude Hospital with theirs...
I hope we one day win the war against cancer, especially in our littlest people.
I also hope that anyone who is reading this will consider becoming a bone marrow donor. To get started, all they do is take blood (a little extra than normal) and put you on a list. You could save the life of one of these little guys.
Ethan is now safe in the arms of our Father and I will never forget how a little boy whom I never met touched my heart and reminded me DAILY how blessed I am. Ethan's website link is posted to the right in our blog. I am going to leave it up for a few more days if anyone wants to visit. I hope you will consider praying for Ethan's parents, Ben and Becky.


TG's Mom said...

Julie...I have followed Ethan's journey for the past month because of the link on your blog. My heart hurts for Ben and Becky...never have I been more grateful for a healthy baby. The only comfort is knowing Ethan is in a better place, free from pain and suffering, waiting for his parents to join him one day. Thanks for sharing the link!

TH said...

God Bless Ethan and his family.