Monday, April 7, 2014


Saturday was my cousin's service. My mom rode with the kids and I, we left the house at 10 and didn't get back until 4. I was so out of it when we got back and just couldn't get it together. The kids had popcorn and donuts for dinner. So... Aidan missed baseball practice which he was fine with. He's not thrilled about playing this year. Sunday both Rick and I had Sunday school duty and Aidan started another season of flag football so not home until 2 to change muddy clothes and then a trip to the library and to Justice. In the kitchen making GF banana/chocolate chip muffins that I keep on hand in the freezer, also made a new strawberry vanilla/honey granola, cooked up some bacon for the week, had the crock pot going, and got my morning oatmeal ready. Started cleaning out the playroom (again), worked on Aidan's posters for his service project, took some photos of the kids for a frame I got my mom for Mother's Day. Oh... and we had an earthquake.

1 comment:

The Rogers Family said...

Your dog is so good with your kids- precious photos