Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week in Pictures

Abby FINALLY had her ballet exam today. I had to pull her out of school at 11. She doesn't get the results for about 6 weeks...

This is her dance teacher Ms. Laura. The examiners fly in from the UK and the teacher isn't allowed in the room with them. She was there to prep them and do a dry run though. Only 5 girls in her class opted for the exam Abby was partnered with Kayla and the other 3 are in their own group and take theirs tomorrow.

Going in! It's closed door and closed window- so you can't watch


Teddy Bear toast from Daddy

She surprised Daddy with a note in the fridge

Our boy. ALL BOY.

and then there is this.

and this.

First tball practice is tomorrow. Is it bad I am hoping it will rain??? His practice goes until 8 and I have MUCH TO ACCOMPLISH.

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