Monday, October 25, 2010


looks like fall is finally here!! Friday night (Yes- they have late appointments!) Abby had her 6yr appt. She's still 10% for height and weight. The little peanut. I asked about allergies- since last year at this time we tried Flonase for this throat clearing problem. Same time this year she has this snorting problem. I don't know how else to put it. We are trying Flonase again and then maybe a referral to an allergist. She also thinks Abby might have a deviated septum. There is nothing ENT could do anyway until she is an adult.
Saturday we had all the kids under one roof! Doesn't happen often. I'm sad I didn't get a better picture of all them together. Aidan finsihed his meds for strep on Friday. Saturday afternoon he was complaining of another headache and didn't look too good. Wouldn't eat. Sunday morning said his head hurt again, I gave him some tylenol and figured maybe he is coming down with a cold. In the car on the way to church he claims he is going to throw up and I could tell he was trying to hold it back- we turn around and drive home. He perks up at home, we go to a birthday party because he seemed better, then on the way home he falls asleep in the car and then just wants to lay on the couch. He has a low grade temp and tells me his back hurts. I look online and he has the symptoms of recurring strep. I look in his throat last night and it's bright red. He wakes up this morning and the strep rash is back on his cheeks. Rick took him to the dr and they said if they do another rapid stress test it would be positive because he just finished the meds so now they are growing the culture for 48 hours. He's on a different antibiotic now and we have to watch Abby because he could pass it back to her (again).

New leopard print attire from Grandma

Birthday cake

Decorating Halloween cookies

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