Monday, March 9, 2009

Ode to Daddy

In some homes, mine being one of them, daddy is the all out favorite. There are many reasons for this, the first being he's a big play toy. The second, he's a big softie. All they have to do is throw in a 'pa-weeeeeseeeee daddy' or "peas da-ya" and he's a goner. Include a little sign language at the same time and you might get him to tear up and go out and buy you a pony or a race car.
I am strict. I discipline. And, according to my four-year-old daughter, "I ruin all the fun."
It makes me laugh because I think of how mom's used to threaten (maybe they still do?) with the "Just wait until your father gets home..." speech, and I can't use that one. If I ever pulled that on my kids, they would woop and holler and say yipppeee how much longer??? is he here yet?

1 comment:

Mark Jenkins said...

Parenting is all about balance! You and Rick balance each other.

God Bless You as you continue to raise your children to serve our Mighy God!