Sunday, March 2, 2014


My cousin passed away last night a little after 10pm. My head hurts. Solemn day. He is at peace. Relief. Pain free. Cancer sucks. Aidan had baseball tryouts a week ago Saturday. Rick took the day off so he could take him so I could be at gymnastics. He really didn't want to play this year but this is the year where it might start to "click" so we signed him up anyway. They sent his team roster last night and he's on a team with NO ONE he knows. Great. Way to really help him like it more said no one ever. Tuesday was a big day for a certain little girl who is now sporting braces. She picked Abby's pizza as her "last" meal the night before. I surprised her with braces for her American Girl doll at her appt. Cooper finally had a bath and haircut. It's Cadbury Egg cookie time.
Yesterday was laundry, finishing cleaning the house, gymnastics and Aidan wanted to play with his science kit.
Sunday school duty today on very little sleep and a bad headache but the littles lift you right up and you aren't so consumed with your own grief. Aidan had basketball today and I wanted to prep meals for the week and get in a good run but wasn't feeling good. Feeling behind.

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