Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday!!!

Abby said her polar bear is a bride and it's going to marry Daddy. Here is the bride-to-be. She said her polar bear was smiling because it was so happy.

Sunday school duty today and I co-hosted a bridal shower so I feel sorta left out of superbowl festivities this year.
Our little Ashley girl is living with us and I came home from work a few times to neatly folded clothes and an empty dishwasher. I didn't know what to do with myself! And the clothes, oh the clothes. I haven't folded clothes since uh... 2003? because hello... working mom. Who has time to fold? It's like being at a swanky resort. My children don't even know what folded clothes are, Abby thinks this is some sort of special origami. Guess I need to work on that so I don't send them off to college not knowing that you should fold your clothes.
We booked a trip to Maui!!!

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