Rick says he cannot take another day of it... he's outside right now taking it out on our lawn. Aidan has been sick this week- very bad cough that basically keeps him/us up all night. Speaking of night- We were asleep by 8:20 last night so that helped. Aside from getting up twice with the kids, Aidan slept until 5am. Anyway, Aidan woke up this morning with a fever, on top of the cold that he has had and the nonstop crying... today was no different- in fact much worse. He cried probably from 1pm until 4pm. It is so heart breaking because nothing/no one can console him. He received his Hep A and DTAP vaccines on Tuesday so I'm thinking... ok fever is probably from the vaccine. Then I read 'uncommon' problems: "non stop crying for 3 hours or more". Others include, loss of appetite, fever, fussiness, and tiredness (everything he has). Tonight after his bath I was sitting on the floor and he was crying (again) so I got his favorite blanket and he came to me and I wrapped him in it and he was completely asleep in less than 2 minutes at 6:40. So... does that mean he will wake us up at 4am??? Please pray for our little boy to come back to us. It's been such a rough road, especially for Rick. It's hard on mommy too since I can't hold him- although I've cheated and picked him up a few times. shhhh. But he still only wants his daddy. I'm not a fan of vaccines, I trust they are needed, I go with it, I'm leery etc. but not going to debate the topic.
Our colds are better. Mine is anyway. Abby seems good. Please send prayers for our boy.
1 comment:
I hope when I called last night you had your phone off. I am praying for you and your family. Pray you ALL will recover quickly.
God Bless
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