“Fear makes you self-absorbed which is the opposite of love. Perfect love casts out all fear.” Profound for me right now. I profess I am self-absorbed- aren’t we all to some degree? Yet, the sermon today spoke to my heart about how I live in daily fear of something happening to me- even more so since my surgery is approaching and it weighs heavy on me thinking about my kids not having a mother. Self-absorbed, yet a mother’s heart.
Today Abby asked me, “Where does the tooth fairy live?” This of course caught me by surprise and I actually had no idea how to answer so I deflected to Rick and replied, “Uh… Mommy can’t remember, go ask Daddy.” She asks him and he says, “Uh.. in the sky.” Fair enough. Why didn’t I think of that? Abby replies, “As high as Jesus?” ahhhhhhh sweet. Rick says, “No, not as high as Jesus.”
We were finally able to try out the bikes and bike trailer today. (Aidan is big enough) I haven’t been on a bike in probably 25 years. After my nerves calmed and I figured it out I had a blast. The kid trailer has a huge storage place in the back so we can pack for a picnic and go places! Aidan wasn’t too happy about the helmet but before long he was waving and saying bye-bye.
Only ran 12 miles last week. I was struggling- lack of energy. I switched my iron pill around and am hoping that might help improve. We'll see. The kids have their picture re-takes on Wednesday late. We are going out for burgers after. Meat will help. Right? Right.
The girls and I surprised Rick with an early Father’s Day today and took him to breakfast. Jess was in town so it couldn’t have worked out any better. He had all of his babies together today and I cannot believe I forgot the camera.