Friday, May 23, 2008

It's Friday!

I figured out what was wrong with me and the Bosu. It had a bit too much air in it. We are getting along much better and I can finally do some of the exercises without falling off.

Let's see... I've posted the kids' first year videos under favorite links. I have to give credit where it is due to my friend Lori's parents- Robert and Billie for GRACIOUSLY putting together Aidan's video. They live in Hermiston and I need to get their photography business on my links. Mental note right there.

Still running although my knee is definitely bothering me. It doesn't like the Bosu and I've tried running the past two days- not a good idea. I ended up walking alot which just put me in a bad mood. I'm putting ice on it but it's not helping either.

My big (and very personal) news. I debated on blogging about this- but the more support and prayers I get the better. I've been approved for a breast reduction. My surgery is in 3 weeks on FRIDAY the 13th. I'll blog more later and selfishly request prayers becuase I am nervous and anxious about the entire thing. I've been on the wait list for 6 months and finally got a call last month just to get the consultation appt. It's a long process. I cannot lift anything for 4 weeks- and it tears me up just thinking about not being able to pick up Aidan. Abby too- but she is going on 4 so she is outgrowing the wanting to be held stage. We are working out the logistics of Rick taking time off from work, and then working short days on the 2nd week since I cannot get the kids in and out of their car seats. Plus I need to hire/find someone to come and clean our house during this time.

Rick took both kids to get haircuts today while I was at work. (I'm still at work). I can't wait to see their little heads. We have nothing planned this weekend except for the usual- Church and library visit. I am just beyond excited to get 2 days in a row off together as a family. More later.

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