The month of May is like Christmas for us. No joke! Jessica's birthday, my mom's birthday, my birthday, Mother's day, Teacher Appreciation Week (there are 6 of them we 'appreciate'), Ashley's birthday... Let's not forget 2 of my best friends Lori and Laura whom I send cards to (thank goodness Laura and I no longer exchange gifts) and my Aunt Nancy. It's CRAZY.
We had a good weekend. Abby is going through a smoke alarm phase. She is scared of them and won't go into her room by herself. I think we were asked about ten times, "Why do we have smoke alarms?" Rick got my flowers planted, I pulled some weeds and hacked on one of our front trees. We did our normal every-three-week visit to the library so Abby can check out books. Abby doesn't like kisses. It's a real treat if she lets you give her one however, she is ALWAYS kissing Aidan. This morning I asked her if Aidan could give her a kiss and she frowned and said, "No, I don't want to get slobbered."
I only ran 14 miles last week. I had it in my head that I was going to run 20- I had it all planned out, I just ran out of gas and left knee is really bothering me. Even with strength/weight training I cannot seem to get it to behave. I asked my friend Melissa to train for a half marathon with me and she wasn't all that excited. I wonder why. Speaking of running out of gas, my blood test came back and the dr. confirmed I am low on iron but he isn't changing anything that I am already doing.
And so begins another week.
Going to church in Orange
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