Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Snowman Crisis Averted

I blogged awhile back about 'it's starting... Abby is trying to dress Aidan, she's shutting him in the bathroom etc'. Last night Aidan was pretty fussy and we were gathering them upstairs for bathtime and snowman was no where in sight! Abby kept saying "It's in the garbage!" She was pretty adamant about it. We searched all over and she kept saying it so I finally DUG IN THE GARBAGE... and it was there. The little stinker had thrown his beloved snowman in the garbage.
Why she did this we do not know- she's not even a jealous kid.
Rick put snowman in the washer so I tried to get Aidan to go to bed with this stuffed froggy Ashley got him for Easter. He just laid in his crib and held it up to me as if to say "are you crazy woman- this is NOT going to work."

1 comment:

Mark Jenkins said...

Could you do me a favor? Install a web cam in your home for us to view these happenings. As you channel his determination he will grow into a fine "man of God".

God Bless The Jenkins of Tualatin!
Uncle Mark