Aidan is doing better and now Abby has a fever today- she’s not feeling so good. We are supposed to go to Rick’s family spring gathering tomorrow and with this fever she's contagious so I don't feel comfortable bringing our germs.
So… onto peas. I can’t expect the kids to eat something if I don’t eat it myself. I dislike peas. I served them Friday night with dinner and I have a ‘one bite’ rule. Aidan is still too young to understand- he spits them out. I take a bite of my peas and I’m chewing and I have to turn away because I am gagging and my eyes are watering. ICK. I eat more of my dinner and I decide to just get it over with and eat two more bites. More gagging.
Rick thinks he is off the hook because on his work days he doesn’t get home until 7:30 therefore he doesn’t eat with us. He assumes the no bite rule doesn’t apply to him but I am keeping tabs. I tell Abby to take a bite of peas and she starts gagging. That’s my girl. I tell her to wash it down and I give her a high five for effort.
Often I tell Abby, “I love you to pieces or I love you to the moon, the stars, infinity etc”
It has become a playful game. She will say “Mom I love you to the car” and I’m like whoa… that’s not very far. Yesterday on the way to school she says “I love you 8 houses and to pieces and that’s a lot.”
Not much else to report this week other than illnesses. I conquered another 16 miles! There was a recipe in the paper this week for Honey Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Cherry cookies- ok who wouldn’t love one of those? I made them today- NOT GOOD. They are healthy. I like my cookies to be full of fat.
On a side note, Jessica and Ashley were here last Sunday- wasn't able to get a 'posed' picture of all the Jenkins kids together but one nonetheless. Ashley took the Cbest test (I think that was the one) last Saturday for her application process to get into the Teaching program at George Fox! Yippee- (that is where I got my MBA). Jessica leaves for Hong Kong next week- she's become quite the traveller for her job. For those of you who don't know, her husband Reilly works for Bacon Salt. We eat bacon salt on popcorn, eggs, baked potatoes, fish. You name it. In fact there is a blog link on their website with great recipes.
Fever Girl
Not feeling well
Pushing my snowman
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