Sunday, October 6, 2013


I don't know what happened this week. I mean last week. I blinked and it was over. Aidan was star student so went to see him share his pictures, his favorite book and answer questions. Hubs and I went out to lunch before I went back to work. It was like a speed date. Wednesday the kids had early release so I left early to avoid a hefty daycare charge for that day. It was nice to get my grocery shopping done and home early to make lunches, laundry, dishes, dinner, homework and actually be done before 7pm!! One of the nights I came home and he decorated the front porch. He is the best. Hands down. Aidan had a soccer game yesterday morning. My dad came which caused all kinds of nerves on my part. It was good and I am glad for the effort. Aidan even scored 2 goals. I whispered thank you Lord on the way home that his Papa could see him in action. My little guy was just beaming. I took the kids to get flu shots at our dr office after- holy cattle line. Then we went to the bakery to order Abby's cake. We should have been outside but there was laundry and piano, spelling and bible verses to practice. Both Aidan and I woke up with bad headaches yesterday and Aidan wanted to watch the Duck game so quiet time was nice. Today was church, home to do homework and piano and then Abby and I left for her 2nd baptism class back home and to swim lessons and back home to make dinner. After dinner we enjoyed the last of the nice weather. Hubs and Aidan went outside to throw the football and shoot baskets while Abby rode her bike and I ran alongside.

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