Saturday, July 27, 2013

Summer Week 7

Sunday we left for the beach for the day. I don't think we could stand to be among the mess for another full day. Fabulous weather and it went by way too fast. We stopped at the Christmas Cottage to get their annual Christmas ornaments. I've got the bug to get started on Christmas shopping. Monday the installers came back. Yee Haw. Aidan also started soccer camp. His tummy has been a mess for 2 weeks now so back to the dr we went. Xray, labs and urine to rule out appendicitis since he was running a temp. All came back good except for final blood count shows he has a virus- she said it could be 1 of 2 things- gastro intestinal or epstein barr and that either way they wouldn't treat him for it. He laid down most of the time after we came home and then slept 11 hours. Wednesday I took the day off off but ended up having to do a few things for work. The kids saw Grandma for a few hours and then I spent the rest of the day cleaning and trying to get things unpacked and put back from the carpet install. Thurs and Fri I worked half days since the little man still had soccer camp. Jessica and Blakeley came over Thursday night to visit. I also made my first flourless chocolate cake. Friday after work the kids had some pool time. Today up early for Aidan's hair cut, his tummy always gives him trouble in the mornings but at least we made it to his appt. Abby had gymnastics this afternoon and then we worked on unpacking more boxes(still). Early dinner with Grandma tonight = no cooking.

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