Saturday, July 27, 2013

Summer Week 7

Sunday we left for the beach for the day. I don't think we could stand to be among the mess for another full day. Fabulous weather and it went by way too fast. We stopped at the Christmas Cottage to get their annual Christmas ornaments. I've got the bug to get started on Christmas shopping. Monday the installers came back. Yee Haw. Aidan also started soccer camp. His tummy has been a mess for 2 weeks now so back to the dr we went. Xray, labs and urine to rule out appendicitis since he was running a temp. All came back good except for final blood count shows he has a virus- she said it could be 1 of 2 things- gastro intestinal or epstein barr and that either way they wouldn't treat him for it. He laid down most of the time after we came home and then slept 11 hours. Wednesday I took the day off off but ended up having to do a few things for work. The kids saw Grandma for a few hours and then I spent the rest of the day cleaning and trying to get things unpacked and put back from the carpet install. Thurs and Fri I worked half days since the little man still had soccer camp. Jessica and Blakeley came over Thursday night to visit. I also made my first flourless chocolate cake. Friday after work the kids had some pool time. Today up early for Aidan's hair cut, his tummy always gives him trouble in the mornings but at least we made it to his appt. Abby had gymnastics this afternoon and then we worked on unpacking more boxes(still). Early dinner with Grandma tonight = no cooking.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Week 6

My mom called last Saturday and offered to buy school clothes for the kids so we met her at the mall for shopping and lunch. Also moved anything and everything downstairs to prepare for carpet install. Our downstairs is chaos. Stuff everywhere. Rick had a class on his normal days off Mon-Tues-Wed so the kids went to daycare. Field trips were to the movies and the water park. We celebrated Cooper turning 4 this week too! Window washers came on Thursday. Friday Rick had a funeral to attend so he dropped the kids off at my work and we met Grandma at the mall and took her to lunch. Grandma did more spoiling and offered to meet again at a different mall Friday night where she treated us to dinner and more stuff for her grandkids. We are blessed. Moved Abby's gymnastics class to Saturdays instead. Carpet demolition team showed up today and every single piece of furniture upstairs is now in our office. We have no beds and had no access to our dressers (ie. underwear!!) I crawled through some tiny spaces to get some must need items- Aidan needs shin guards and his soccer socks. He starts soccer camp on Monday. Anyway, since everything was out of Abby's room- I said we need to paint because now would be the best time!! Pink Punch is what she picked and it's the mother of all pink. Kids were stuck in the house most of the day so did a quick trip to the park around 5pm or maybe it was 6 and went to get dinner. They are both feeling a little off. Abby woke up with no appetite and Aidan has been having weird stomach issues this week.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Hubs got his Traeger on Sunday!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Week 5

Back up to Saturday evening of my last post the kids did Lite Brite. I love when they drag out things they haven't played with in a long time and they are entertained for hours. We also made S'mores and FINALLY lit our fireworks.
Sunday we went to church, I had Sunday School duty and only one child showed up so the other two teachers sent me to service so I could be with hubs!  Kids finally started swim lessons. Nothing like starting lessons with summer almost half over. Sunday night we took them to their first drive in movie.
Wow... didn't remember it starting that late.  Movie was over at midnight and then our car wouldn't start- dead battery. Thankful for the guy across the way who jumped us. Rick and I had our cell phones out to use for light so we could see. Both kids freaked out in tears in the back. Definitely a great first impression of the drive in for them.
Monday work. Bleh. I'm really really trying hard to have a grateful heart with my job but man was it easy to slip into a pity party a few times. I muttered a few prayers throughout the day. Oh and I guess it doesn't help that I did payroll on Wednesday but forgot hit the 'submit' button. I couldn't figure out why the checks were never delivered and logged in today and figured out what I had done. Yikes. So payroll is most likely a day late next week.  Abby also started her summer gymnastics class.
Tuesday through Friday Abby went to horse camp so I worked a very modified schedule bringing Aidan with me since we pulled them out of daycare this month. Or tried to. Rick has some class he has to go to on his days off next week- Mon, Tues and Wed so we put them back in daycare those days. When I picked her up today after the parent photo session, as soon as we stepped out of the barn she looked at me and burst into tears. She said she didn't want it be over. It was one of those milestone moments where things are starting to imprint in her heart and you could feel her sadness and empathize what she was going through. I immediately reverted back to 6th grade remembering leaving outdoor school.  I hugged her and my eyes flooded with tears as well.  She cried the whole way home.
In other news, this guy Rick found to install our carpet next week has a FB page for his business and was doing a drawing to drum up more "likes" on his page. Rick's name ended up being drawn as the winner for a new Traeger grill!! He wants us to meet him on Sunday morning so he can get his picture taken with Rick (to show it wasn't a scam). We are already missing church the following Sunday to have a family day at  the beach so we will end up missing two weeks :-(
I'm moving everything I can that is upstairs and bringing it downstairs to get ready for the carpet install. Our house will in complete disarray for awhile.