Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cramming it all in....

Friday was Abby's last day of school and it was also our annual neighborhood garage sale. Rick is DONE. He said that last year though and look where that got him. We went out to dinner that night (yay) and then to Gymnastics. Saturday we only held the garage sale from 9-12. Shut it down and Rick took Aidan to the bank while I made a list of everything and boxed it all up for Goodwill. Abby had 2 of the neighbor girls over during this time so there was a little chaos but I was glad for her to be occupied. We seem to be entering a new season of door bells ringing after work/school asking if Abby can come play and vice versa. Plus she is hosting her first sleepover at our house this evening. After Rick came home from the bank we loaded up and drove to Smith Berry Barn so I could get some fresh berries only they were sold out. So... we made an unplanned decision to pick berries but there were hardly any left. We barely got a pint. From there we drove out of our way to New Seasons because they are the only place that sells these dark chocolate GF granola bars that Abby loves. Today it was promotion Sunday at church. Abby went to her new 3rd grade class and Aidan 1st. Once home, we had to get Abby ready for her gym meet and then ran a few errands before picking up Abby's friend. Abby received a colored sand bottle making kit for Christmas that she never used so the girls did that, as well as a bracelet making kit she received for Easter (again unopened). We had pizza and took a walk, they played for awhile and watched a movie with popcorn. Glad they are making memories.
Other pictures include Abby's new leotard from my mom's friend in NY. My mom has been friends with her since they were in the Air Force together at age 18. Aidan is almost done with baseball. Green army men litter my floor and I just always want to remember it because one day it won't be like that.
I always struggle with this time of year now that they are out of school. My heart hurts already having to leave them tomorrow and go to work.


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