Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer Week 3

You know how you pray about something/someone and you tell yourself if it's not God's plan it's still all good and just continue to trust in Him for He knows our path. It's still stings a bit when it's not the outcome you prayed for.  Thank you Joel Osteen for posting some great quotes this week..."When you place your trust in God, He will accelerate His plan for your life. You will accomplish your dreams faster than you thought possible."
Anyway... Monday work as usual kids home with dad to pick up tile, etc. He took them out for pizza since that was on their "summer" wish list. Easy enough. He was out of patience when I got home and I had a crappy day at work so we ate dinner around 430 (thank you crock pot) and I sent him to hit golf balls. He has had a doozy of a man-cold this week.  It's been nice not having ANY sports activities or homework after work. Bliss.
Tuesday they hung out with dad. He hung up my pictures. He had painted our downstairs bathroom for me last month and I had some remaining pictures. I did yellow/gray theme. The Bushel and a Peck song Abby and I would sing to each other when she was little.
Wednesday work and daycare. They went to a park for their field trip.
Thurs work and daycare. We got our maple trees pruned. Yayy
Fri work and daycare. Field trip to the Air Museum and summer FINALLY arrived. We came straight home and they headed for the pool. Came in and ate dinner and went back out.
Today Aidan had a hair cut, we ran a few errands and then it was pool time all day.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Science by Abby

After a long draining day at work I came home to this taped to the tub. Couldn't help but smile. I just love this girl.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Funday... or not

First of all, hubs surprised me with a new sewing machine!! Yayy!! I love his surprises they always entail something useful and then I make him learn how to use them first. Since I cleaned house all day long on Saturday and I mean ALL DAY... I had the kids do some work in their summer workbooks. That was brutal. Aidan is all drama. I finally found a place to put the canvas I bought myself for my birthday :-)  Cooper has been sick ever since  Father's Day- randomly throwing up all week. He did perk up today so I'm hopeful. Really would like to avoid a big vet bill.
We had big plans today and kept striking out. We were set to get the kids up early and go to the Balloon Festival- based on the weather I checked first thing at 5am and they cancelled the balloon flights. Strike 1. I decided to just turn off my alarm and let hubs get some extra sleep- especially since he has a man-cold. We used our expired Groupon at a local restaurant since it still had the face value and went out to breakfast. Next up was getting another carpet quote and this place opens on Sundays at 11 but they posted a note in their door stating they were closed on this particular Sunday. Strike 2. From there it was off to the Cat Adoption place (it's on our summer to do list of activities- not to get a cat- just to visit). Their website said they opened at 10 but the door said not until noon. Strike 3. We just went home and wasted time before the library opened at 1.
The rest of the day they kids (and daddy) played with these Perler (fuse) beads I ordered. They've been doing them at daycare and they LOVE them and that kept them busy for several hours. I sat on the couch with my Kindle and the pup. I haven't had a day to just sit like that since... I don't know when.
I got 20 miles in last week. My achilles started acting up again about 5 weeks ago.  I'm really hoping to avoid another round of physical therapy. Rick has been having heel pain as well- we both walk like ducks.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Week 2

Father's Day. Left early to stop at Peet's to get him a latte- it was buy one get one free :-) Went to church, AMAZING sermon for Father's Day, went to breakfast and Ashley met us there. Once home he opened his presents and I sent him on his way to the driving range. I made him an appt for a hot stone massage so the kiddos and I roamed some stores while he was doing that and then we took him to PF Changs for dinner. We came home and he got the kids ready for bed while I made a meal to deliver to my Aunt. I hopped on the treadmill at 9pm because I had eaten so much so I figured a good walk would help. Monday dentist appt bright and early. Home to get the family to drive to visit my Uncle. Little did I know he would pass the next day. Went to work obviously late and then we took the kids to the Zoo in the evening. Tuesday work. I left hubs and the kids to work on their summer workbooks, new puzzles and making sun catchers. After work/dinner/baths we took the kids to the movies to see Epic in their jammies. Wednesday kids to daycare- field trip to a park and Rick and I went to order tile for our bathroom before I went to work.  He had sand delivered to level the area for the pool. Thursday kids to daycare- field trip to Painted Plate. Today daycare- more science projects. Last night of gymnastics before she moves to Monday's on the summer schedule. FINALLY got swimming scheduled with the gal that does their lessons. They don't start until July.
Tomorrow is cleaning house. What fun.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


My Uncle passed away last night. I'm thankful we were able to go see him on Monday. He was no longer awake but I held his hand and told him I loved him. Grateful.
This is my favorite picture. My Uncle Bob on the left, he died when he was only 35 from a massive heart attack. My dad in the middle and Uncle Dan on the right.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer Week 1

Things are winding down yayy! Week 1 of no school equals kids home with Dad Mon and Tues running errands and driving him bonkers. Rick bought them their annual summer workbooks. You can tell Aidan is thrilled. Monday I went to Barre after missing a month or more? It's the best all over body workout. I've missed it. Wed kids went to daycare and did science experiments and crafts. They had a blast. Thurs and Fri they went on field trips to the library and park. We wrapped up baseball.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cramming it all in....

Friday was Abby's last day of school and it was also our annual neighborhood garage sale. Rick is DONE. He said that last year though and look where that got him. We went out to dinner that night (yay) and then to Gymnastics. Saturday we only held the garage sale from 9-12. Shut it down and Rick took Aidan to the bank while I made a list of everything and boxed it all up for Goodwill. Abby had 2 of the neighbor girls over during this time so there was a little chaos but I was glad for her to be occupied. We seem to be entering a new season of door bells ringing after work/school asking if Abby can come play and vice versa. Plus she is hosting her first sleepover at our house this evening. After Rick came home from the bank we loaded up and drove to Smith Berry Barn so I could get some fresh berries only they were sold out. So... we made an unplanned decision to pick berries but there were hardly any left. We barely got a pint. From there we drove out of our way to New Seasons because they are the only place that sells these dark chocolate GF granola bars that Abby loves. Today it was promotion Sunday at church. Abby went to her new 3rd grade class and Aidan 1st. Once home, we had to get Abby ready for her gym meet and then ran a few errands before picking up Abby's friend. Abby received a colored sand bottle making kit for Christmas that she never used so the girls did that, as well as a bracelet making kit she received for Easter (again unopened). We had pizza and took a walk, they played for awhile and watched a movie with popcorn. Glad they are making memories.
Other pictures include Abby's new leotard from my mom's friend in NY. My mom has been friends with her since they were in the Air Force together at age 18. Aidan is almost done with baseball. Green army men litter my floor and I just always want to remember it because one day it won't be like that.
I always struggle with this time of year now that they are out of school. My heart hurts already having to leave them tomorrow and go to work.