Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We've been home for over a week now. Just haven't felt like blogging cause we've all been sick- except Rick. We went to Florida to visit Winter the Dolphin from Dolphin Tale, visited Disney World and finally we sailed 'round the Bahamas for 5 days. It was an incredible trip that I didn't want to end. Abby's been sick since we were on the cruise. She is getting ready to start her 2nd round of meds. Took Aidan to the ER last Thursday night for croup. I didn't get much sleep last week which left me in a weird place. So... I think we are almost back on track. Aidan is still doing Tball- two more weeks left of games. Got him signed up for summer soccer, signed both kids up for summer gymnastics, waiting on the ballet schedule and still doing swimming lessons. That should keep them nice and busy :-)

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