Our little book worm
Monster Trucks

Easy Bake Oven

When Abby was little she loved to take bags and fill them with stuff. I told my hairdresser about it- and we would call her the bag lady. I took Aidan to get his haircut and my hairdresser says every so often she gets these freebies at the supply store and wanted to give Abby a bag- you should have seen her face light up. Priceless.
I made the kids monkey pancakes- found this cute idea on Pinterest
That's about all. It's funny how after I had Abby everyone would say "oh it's get's easier" but what they don't say is that it gets BUSIER. When I think back to them being babies- that was a piece of cake minus the lack of sleep. We're gearing up to add swimming lessons back into the schedule and Aidan will be starting tball. Abby is asking to play softball as well but I just don't see how we (I) can pull that off since Rick works Saturdays. Abby is still in ballet and has the Royal Academy of Dance exam coming up and Aidan still does soccer.
Kids have had colds. Spring can't come soon enough.
Abby questions of the week:
How come I can't marry Aidan
Can girls be President
Can girls drive race cars
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