Saturday, October 8, 2011


I don't know where the weeks go. It's October for crying out loud. More soccer this week. Chaperoned Abby's field trip. Her teacher pulled me aside and said "sooooo, when did Abby start reading?" I replied early. Cause I don't know....or remember. It was like 4 she was blending letter sounds I think. Anyway she said, "you probably cringe when you see the homework coming home how easy it is for her." I politely said... well...I don't think I said anything. Just kinda nodded?? Anyway she told me not to worry, that Abby won't be bored and she is putting her in a 2nd grade reading and comprehension group. She also indicated that you typically see kids who either good are reading or math but not both but that Abby was both so she'll be in some other math group too. Always nice to hear about your own kid BUT.... what I am most excited about is this teacher figuring it out all in the first month and having a plan to address the needs of EACH student versus JUST TEACHING.
I just finished 6 weeks of running 16 miles each week. Not much but it's what I can get in. Achilles are still in bad shape but I'm doing what I can.
Grandma date = new outift and huge unicorn

I love all the exercise from this... and then when he turns five I think we can 'officially' get him tested to confirm whether or not he has asthma

Field trip

Went to the library today and this afternoon she holed herself up in this corner and read for about an hour.

Not only was it month end this week but look what I accomplished. HUGE DIFFERENCE

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