Thursday, October 27, 2011

ER and Other Fun Things...

Yep! Same exact spot Aidan had stitches only they were able to glue her shut!

Sunday night he was playing around in our office and smacked his nose on our treadmill. I thought for sure it was going to be black and blue and swollen but absolutely nothing. Monday night she was playing "puppy" in the office and then she smacks the treadmill. Off to the ER we go. That treadmill has been there for SIX years and just now they both get injured on it.

Abby came down with a horrible cold over the weekend with one those bronchitis sounding coughs. We didn't get much sleep for 2 nights and then the ER visit on top of it made for some pretty wiped out parents this week.
And look what hubby finished after 2+ years!! The playroom!! We painted and did the border in 2009 and he finally got the moudling up, painted and hung the bulletin board for their art and hung up their school photo frames. You know those old school shoe organizer pocket things? That works perfect for barbies. I have it on the back of the door.

I hosted a midweek evening playdate with the kiddos friends from school. We had pizza and decorated Halloween cookies.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Birthday Week

Her party was a blast. Fashion show/photo shoot. All the girls got to 'model' and go home with a CD of the photos. Her teacher called me at 7am on her birthday saying she had to get a sub and that Abby's class party would have to be postponed. I dreaded telling Abby because she was so excited for having her birthday at school that she hardly slept. Thankfully I put a good spin on it indicating she get's AN EXTRA day to celebrate.
Rick and I both took today off and had a date- we went to breakfast and then saw the movie Courageous. I don't know who cried more. Great movie. Great Christian movie and message for Fathers. We took Abby to Red Robin along with Grandma and then just did presents and cake. My baby girl is SEVEN!!


Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

Abby's bible verse this week from church. She gets one from Sunday School and one from the school she attends. I don't know know how she keeps them straight. She has somehow turned it into this competition between her and I to see who can memorize it first. I love her spirit. The sad part is she can retain all the prior verses and me in my old age I can't even remember what I did yesterday.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I mean it!! My baby girl turns 7 next week. Ever since school started time is just flying. We're having her birthday party tomorrow at a little photography studio where the girls get dressed up and have a runway fashion show and get their pictures done. All things girly. But more about that tomorrow. The biggest news of all is that we are dealing with one huge mother of a man cold. And in all my sympathy, I'm going to nicely ask that he sleep in the spare room tonight. I know you're thinking mean and cruel- but it will be better for all of us. He's got cooties and he'll want to sleep and I'll want to get up at 5 and run and make noise. It's for the best people. And little guy woke up with little man cold today too.
Rick had ERT training this week so had to go in on 2 of his days off which meant we arranged for an extra day of daycare and I had to leave work early to get him. I started my hot lunch volunteering this week too. We've got 10 hours towards our 30 yayyy for us. Thursday I chaperoned Aidan's pumpkin patch field trip and tonight is date night at the mall with Grandma if Aidan is up for it. I've been cleaning house every night this week after work and bedtime because Rick took Saturday off so we actually get a NORMAL weekend to enjoy except now he's sick :-(

Waiting for nigh-night and me-me


Saturday, October 8, 2011


I don't know where the weeks go. It's October for crying out loud. More soccer this week. Chaperoned Abby's field trip. Her teacher pulled me aside and said "sooooo, when did Abby start reading?" I replied early. Cause I don't know....or remember. It was like 4 she was blending letter sounds I think. Anyway she said, "you probably cringe when you see the homework coming home how easy it is for her." I politely said... well...I don't think I said anything. Just kinda nodded?? Anyway she told me not to worry, that Abby won't be bored and she is putting her in a 2nd grade reading and comprehension group. She also indicated that you typically see kids who either good are reading or math but not both but that Abby was both so she'll be in some other math group too. Always nice to hear about your own kid BUT.... what I am most excited about is this teacher figuring it out all in the first month and having a plan to address the needs of EACH student versus JUST TEACHING.
I just finished 6 weeks of running 16 miles each week. Not much but it's what I can get in. Achilles are still in bad shape but I'm doing what I can.
Grandma date = new outift and huge unicorn

I love all the exercise from this... and then when he turns five I think we can 'officially' get him tested to confirm whether or not he has asthma

Field trip

Went to the library today and this afternoon she holed herself up in this corner and read for about an hour.

Not only was it month end this week but look what I accomplished. HUGE DIFFERENCE