Monday, December 20, 2010


I've never EVER been this behind on Christmas. Tree and lights are always up the week of Thanksgiving and here it is a week before and our gingerbread house is still not done, presents not wrapped and we are busy every single night from now until Christmas! Santa cookies aren't getting done until Christmas Eve- but that's alright- they will be nice and fresh :-)
I've had a cold since Thanksgiving and now it's this nagging cough- even still I managed to get 20 miles in this week. Good thing because I have a love for ice cream and dark chocolate caramels. 'Tis the season.
If you like soup has a corn chowder recipe that is one of my top 5 favorite meals to make.
Food and Wine website also has a tortilla soup recipe that is absolutely incredible. Yeah, I made home made soups this week and home made spaghetti sauce. Crazy? Yes, I think so.

I wrote the above a few days ago. Presents are wrapped now. Gingerbread house is done. I took Abby to the Nutcracker. Aidan is now sick. Bring on Christmas.

Big Big Sister came to visit!!!

Heading to the Nutcracker

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

I love this. It needs to be a Christmas Card

Kids in their "ugly sweaters"

Love this one too

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